at the beginning when I open the dialog to edit a reservation both in modification and in the first insertion, I go to add a first line in the array that I will use in the xbrowse

and then if it is a modification of a reservation I load all services under the first row of the array

if I activate the changeAll (....) function in ON CHANGE of the datepick control, fwh proceeds to call this function before the user has actually changed the date in the control
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 22,145 DTPICKER oDtpLast VAR dLast SIZE 90,12 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1] ;
PICTURE "ddd dd mmm yyyy" UPDATE ;
ON CHANGE (oDlg:Update(),;
ChangeAll( nMode,dFirst,dLast,cTypeRoom,nCella,nInvoice,oPrenotazioni,oSelBtn,oBrowse))
on my changeAll() function I go to check if the element is available in the selected date range, if it is available it creates the first row in the array obviously deleting all the content in oBrowse: arraydata
my function runs correctly because it depends on a modification of the date range by the user
but unfortunately this changeall function is called before any user modification and this is not good
because if I am in modification I have to see the other lines and the program must not delete them
that is practically if one activates a function on change of the datepick control this is processed first of all, because this happens,
Nages had changed the tdtpicke class but unfortunately I have not seen improvements, I still have the same error and I don't know how to fix