I think that the HTML report is not that bad after all.
The subsequent replacement of the "placeholders" simplifies the program.
Best regards,
Code: Select all | Expand
cHtml += memoread("c:\fwh\samples\manfred.html")
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text1]", "Text einmalig pro Seite(1)" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text2]", "Text einmalig pro Seite(2)" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text3]", "Januar 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text4]", "Februar 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text5]", "März 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text6]", "April 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text7]", "Mai 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text8]", "Juni 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text9]", "Juli 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text10]", "August 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text11]", "September 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text12]", "Oktober 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text13]", "November 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text14]", "Dezember 2021" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text15]", "Text einmalig pro Seite(3)" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text16]", "Text einmalig pro Seite(4)" )
cHtml := STRTRAN( cHtml, "[text19]", "„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, …“ ist ein Blindtext" )
memowrit(cHtmlOrUrl, cHtml)