Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
- Marc Venken
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Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
I wonder what the best technic would be in folowing senario....
Small network (4 pc) and a program with 5 folderex folders.
Asume :
Customers basic data
specific settings
I can set a relation from cusrtomer to each data for filtering the folders. That works.
But... At that point, when i'm in folder 1, the basic and start scrolling for a customer, or a seek every time the set relation for all folders will be updated, so slowing down the basic browse.
How do you guys do this ? Only change the querry at the moment you hit the folder tap ? and not use a relation, but more of a ordscope ?
The relations make it more easy, but slows down, as far as I know the way to program them.
Small network (4 pc) and a program with 5 folderex folders.
Asume :
Customers basic data
specific settings
I can set a relation from cusrtomer to each data for filtering the folders. That works.
But... At that point, when i'm in folder 1, the basic and start scrolling for a customer, or a seek every time the set relation for all folders will be updated, so slowing down the basic browse.
How do you guys do this ? Only change the querry at the moment you hit the folder tap ? and not use a relation, but more of a ordscope ?
The relations make it more easy, but slows down, as far as I know the way to program them.
Marc Venken
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Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Have you tried using INDEX ON MEMORY / TEMPORARY?
If you have a little example, it gets easier.
Regards, saludos.
If you have a little example, it gets easier.
Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
- Marc Venken
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Index on ...
That is a new idea for this purpose.
I'm expanding the program you and I started ))))). It starts to have potential.
I have to see how to change the code in order to make it with dbf samples from the sample dir, but I asked your mailadres (other post) so I could send the actual dbf's (or a link)
Than you can see where I'm. It will become a invoicing program based on folderex and xbrowse. For the Xbrowse I made a Xbrowse Builder that calls his data from 2 dbf files. Great working for my way of doing )))
This is the code now for callling Xbrowse. One row and all setting, positions, layouts, colors are dbf based.
// Marc, write the code here on the spot.
// FOLDER 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 browsers on 1 folder
oBrw[2] = getXBrowser("KLANTDOCUMENTEN",oFld:aDialogs[2])
oBrw[6] = getXBrowser("KLANTFACTART",oFld:aDialogs[2])
oBrw[2]:bChange := { || oBrw[6]:refresh() }
// FOLDER 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oBrw[3] = getXBrowser("KLANTPERSONEN",oFld:aDialogs[3])
// FOLDER 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oBrw[4] = getXBrowser("FACTUREN",oFld:aDialogs[4])
//StyleBrowse(oBrw[4],{ "factuur","klantnum" },{ "factuur","klantnum" })
That is a new idea for this purpose.
I'm expanding the program you and I started ))))). It starts to have potential.
I have to see how to change the code in order to make it with dbf samples from the sample dir, but I asked your mailadres (other post) so I could send the actual dbf's (or a link)
Than you can see where I'm. It will become a invoicing program based on folderex and xbrowse. For the Xbrowse I made a Xbrowse Builder that calls his data from 2 dbf files. Great working for my way of doing )))
This is the code now for callling Xbrowse. One row and all setting, positions, layouts, colors are dbf based.
// Marc, write the code here on the spot.
// FOLDER 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 browsers on 1 folder
oBrw[2] = getXBrowser("KLANTDOCUMENTEN",oFld:aDialogs[2])
oBrw[6] = getXBrowser("KLANTFACTART",oFld:aDialogs[2])
oBrw[2]:bChange := { || oBrw[6]:refresh() }
// FOLDER 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oBrw[3] = getXBrowser("KLANTPERSONEN",oFld:aDialogs[3])
// FOLDER 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
oBrw[4] = getXBrowser("FACTUREN",oFld:aDialogs[4])
//StyleBrowse(oBrw[4],{ "factuur","klantnum" },{ "factuur","klantnum" })
Marc Venken
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Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- Otto
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Marc, would you be so kind to post a screenshot how the program looks like?
Best regards,
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Marc Venken
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- Location: Belgium
Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Otto wrote:Marc, would you be so kind to post a screenshot how the program looks like?
Best regards,
At this moment it is just the layout like we are talking about here... I first want to have a good XbrowseBuilder with 1 line of code, than I expand to a invoices system because it will need many browsers.
BTW : Have you a link on how to build those animated postings you guys can do in this forum ?
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- James Bott
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
What you suggest is just not feasible speed wise.
This is what I would do. Show one browse full screen with the customer list. Have a lookup GET on the toolbar to find a specific customer. After the user finds the customer, they double-click on it in the browse. Then a dialog comes up with folders for invoices, contacts, etc.
And yes, I would find related info with scopes, not set relation.
This way the user has access to all the information you want and the program is much faster.
How do you guys do this? Only change the query at the moment you hit the folder tab? and not use a relation, but more of an ordscope ?
What you suggest is just not feasible speed wise.
This is what I would do. Show one browse full screen with the customer list. Have a lookup GET on the toolbar to find a specific customer. After the user finds the customer, they double-click on it in the browse. Then a dialog comes up with folders for invoices, contacts, etc.
And yes, I would find related info with scopes, not set relation.
This way the user has access to all the information you want and the program is much faster.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Otto
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Hello Mark,
I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do.
I have - I think - a similar system. Here is the information in the document name.
I then read the directories into an array with Directory () and filter that array.
I don't think it's slow.
Best regards,
I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do.
I have - I think - a similar system. Here is the information in the document name.
I then read the directories into an array with Directory () and filter that array.
I don't think it's slow.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
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- Location: Belgium
Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
I also used Ordscopes in my old version, and possible also in the new project.
It was while looking into the Yunus sample that Mr. Rao has used relations. I implemented relations in my first setup ans that is working, but a relation is changing the child database result everytime the parent is moving.
I have to say that in my old version, ordscope is olso changing the child when a move is done in the parent, because there I used the : oChange.... Ordscope syntax.
My original question is that when I don't use the Onchange in the parent, (My child browsers all always on a other foldertab. ) there is no movement while going true the parent.
At the moment I want to see the invoices, I need to click on the Invoice Tab, and THEN I schould Ordcope the data from the folderaction (getfocus) function, so when the invoice tab is shown, the data whill be the scope. Then there will be only 1 scope done.
This make sence right ? Minimal scopes are done...
Good technic ?
I also used Ordscopes in my old version, and possible also in the new project.
It was while looking into the Yunus sample that Mr. Rao has used relations. I implemented relations in my first setup ans that is working, but a relation is changing the child database result everytime the parent is moving.
I have to say that in my old version, ordscope is olso changing the child when a move is done in the parent, because there I used the : oChange.... Ordscope syntax.
My original question is that when I don't use the Onchange in the parent, (My child browsers all always on a other foldertab. ) there is no movement while going true the parent.
At the moment I want to see the invoices, I need to click on the Invoice Tab, and THEN I schould Ordcope the data from the folderaction (getfocus) function, so when the invoice tab is shown, the data whill be the scope. Then there will be only 1 scope done.
This make sence right ? Minimal scopes are done...
Good technic ?
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- James Bott
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Yes, that is what you want. Otherwise you are dragging lots of useless data over the LAN each time you move from one customer to the next.
Yes, this will be a lot faster and will reduce the network traffic immensely.
This make sence right ? Minimal scopes are done...
My original question is that when I don't use the Onchange in the parent, (My child browsers all always on a other foldertab. ) there is no movement while going true the parent.
Yes, that is what you want. Otherwise you are dragging lots of useless data over the LAN each time you move from one customer to the next.
At the moment I want to see the invoices, I need to click on the Invoice Tab, and THEN I schould Ordcope the data from the folderaction (getfocus) function, so when the invoice tab is shown, the data whill be the scope. Then there will be only 1 scope done.
Yes, this will be a lot faster and will reduce the network traffic immensely.
This make sence right ? Minimal scopes are done...
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
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- Location: Belgium
Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
Also my first class ever used. At this moment I try to get as much as possible systeem var's into this
I have read your papers ))
At the beginning :
When I start the actual work for invoice making : it will become Tdatabase
For now preparing the Browsemaker, some systemtools and thinking of strategy like the post above.
Also my first class ever used. At this moment I try to get as much as possible systeem var's into this
I have read your papers ))
At the beginning :
Code: Select all | Expand
oMarc:= TMarc():new()
oMarc:aLever = readleveranciers()
DATA aMaanden AS ARRAY INIT {"Jan","Feb","Mrt"}
//DATA aLever AS ARRAY INIT readleveranciers() // Not working
DATA aStates AS ARRAY INIT { { } } // state 0 defined as empty
DATA name INIT "Just a Name"
define font oFontw name "MS Sans Serif" size 0,-50
function ReadLeveranciers() // Just pulling some data into a array
local aDbf := {}
local c, aDir
Minfilesize:= 1
DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aDbf, {FIELD->klant_nr,FIELD->naam_1,FIELD->tag} )} )
ASORT(aDbf, , , { | x,y | x[2] < y[2] } ) // A->Z 2 veld
close lever
return aDbf
When I start the actual work for invoice making : it will become Tdatabase
For now preparing the Browsemaker, some systemtools and thinking of strategy like the post above.
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
- James Bott
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- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
An invoice is a complex object, as it contains a customer, an invoice header, and invoice line Items, all of which are objects themselves. Then you add methods like oInvoice:Total() and oInvoice:PaymentDueDate(), etc.
When I start the actual work for invoice making : it will become Tdatabase
An invoice is a complex object, as it contains a customer, an invoice header, and invoice line Items, all of which are objects themselves. Then you add methods like oInvoice:Total() and oInvoice:PaymentDueDate(), etc.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 1485
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
- Location: Belgium
Re: Best technic to use the set relation to syntax
But you posted several topics and replies on the topics of Tdatabase. We had also several samples, so it is sure possible to get a good start from it.
The nice thing is we can mostly find help in this Forum. At least, I make use of it )))
But I spend a lot of time finding out some fundamentals that I need to understand, so digging in the forum and samples is the way to go.
But you posted several topics and replies on the topics of Tdatabase. We had also several samples, so it is sure possible to get a good start from it.
The nice thing is we can mostly find help in this Forum. At least, I make use of it )))
But I spend a lot of time finding out some fundamentals that I need to understand, so digging in the forum and samples is the way to go.
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour