You have included a function here that fills 2 HASHs.
The database is opened with USE().
Then you browse the database with
do while .not. eof()
You then fill the local HASH
local hDBF_Recs := {=>}
and the hSLIDER (static) HASH.
The local HASH is returned as a return param.
return( hDBF_Recs )
hCards := dbf2hash( cdbf_file )
Here you call the function.
The locale HASH of the function dbf2hash() is assigned to your locale HASH hCards.
The HASH hSLIDER is only filled if the condition is met.
if TMPDBF_FILE->slider = "J"
The number of records read is stored here.
hDBF_Recs[ "RECREAD" ] := str( nDBF_RecRead + 1 )
hSLIDER[ "RECREAD" ] := str( nKeySLIDER + 1 )
You then need this in JS to display the data.
Best regards,