JSON with HTTPS: post

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JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »

Please read carefully. I will try to explain.

Currently I use the process for interacting with a website, and then decoding a response in JSON. Here is a cutdown version of the fuction:

Code: Select all | Expand

Function PostTo360( cUrl, cData, cContentType,cAuthorization )

    Local oOle,cRet:='',uRet
    default cContentType:="application/json"
    default cAuthorization:=""
        oOle   := CreateObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" )
    oOle:Open( 'GET', cUrl, .f. )
    oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", cContentType)
    oOle:SetRequestHeader( "Authorization",cAuthorization)
    oOle:Send( cData )
    cRet := oOle:ResponseBody
RETURN( cRet )

This works perfectly with most of my vendors. cURL is the website, and once opened, I send the Parameters ( cData ). cRet contains the value which I pass as a hash to decode. There is NO PROBLEM with this, except with one vendor. They just changed their API, and although this method worked before, it is not now working. It appears it is not properly getting the cData passed.

He wants me to pass the url and data as a single string to the https:// site, and get a return value.

Code: Select all | Expand


Can someone provide a sample for sending the full string rather than the process we normally use ? I need to save the response to a variable.

Thank you.
Tim Stone
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Tim,

Please install the "postman" utility, and do the request from it to see what you get and the errors you may get too
regards, saludos

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Lailton »

Maybe you need do an URLENCODE to cDATA, sometimes if you have some special character on it, can be the reason.

What Antonio said should help you to test and verify the result.

if still not working message me on Skype and I can help you with it.
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »

I am sorry, but I'm not familiar with the postman utility.

If I send the full string, it will return the right data. ( URL plus data, all in one transmission ). I can do this in a web browser. However, I need to do it in the background and simply get the reply.

However, if I use the function ( above ), and first OPEN the site, then send the GET request and send just the data, although the string includes it, apparently it does not see the first parameter, and the error reporting back is that the first parameter is required.

Is there a way to combine them all in one transmission ?
Tim Stone
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Tim,

This is the answer that we get in PostMan:

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND theirsite.force.com

GET https://theirsite.force.com/abcompany/s ... el=TEST123
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND theirsite.force.com
Request Headers
Authorization: Basic YWRzc3lzOnBhc3N3b3Jk
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.8
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: a82c29b4-cc27-421a-8513-62bf4466823e
Host: theirsite.force.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Request Body
regards, saludos

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Tim,

> If I send the full string, it will return the right data. ( URL plus data, all in one transmission ). I can do this in a web browser

Please show us how you do this, thanks
regards, saludos

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Lailton »

Same error here.

Send us an example that we can try and we can help to make it to work :)
Or send us the LINK documentation where we can see how it should be.
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »


The original post in this thread show you exactly what I am doing in the first code section, and I provide the full strings sent each time.

The second code section shows you the complete string that can be implemented. If I insert that string ( but I modified the data and url a bit ) in to a web browser, it comes back with a downloaded file that contains the correct response.

The tech guy for the vendor keeps insisting that because his http statement works ( in a browser ) that it will work in code.

I am using the older method with Microsoft, but I see there is now cUrl capability with Harbour. However, I don't see documentation for it. I see examples posted by people, but if you could point me to documentation it would be very helpful ( or FW sample files ? ). Perhaps that is a better way to go than what I provided in my original post at the top of this thread.
Tim Stone
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Tim,

> If I insert that string ( but I modified the data and url a bit ) in to a web browser, it comes back with a downloaded file that contains the correct response

Please explain exactly how you modify it or we won't be able to help you
regards, saludos

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Lailton »


I think that his example ( URL is some part fake just as example ), this is why we can not reproduce the communication. :mrgreen:
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »

Antonio and Lallton,

I really don't believe my question deserved those last two VERY RUDE responses.

The company I am working on has an NDA in place, so I modified the webaddress, and the user ID in the example. Everything was exactly the way I am using it. Nothing is FAKE. I was not asking you to replicate the call. It is not to a public website so you could not do that.

My last question was twofold, and simple:

1). Would Harbour cURL be better than the Microsoft based call in the original post on this thread ?
2). If the answer is yes, where can I see documenation on how to use Harbour's cURL, and is there a .prg in the Samples folder.

As one who has been a part of this community since the earliest FiveWin days, and updated every year, I don't believe such disrespectful comments were necessary, and they were not appreciated.

If you can respond to the two actual questions, I would appreciate it.

Tim Stone
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Tim,

Please look for curl_easy_init() in these forums and you will find many examples.

> The company I am working on has an NDA in place, so I modified the webaddress, and the user ID in the example

You should have said this since the beginning and not making us loose time trying something that did not work, meanwhile you said that it was properly working.
regards, saludos

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »


We apparently have a communication problem.

1). I said that originally I had everything working fine.
2). THEN, the company changed the API and the server
3). That is when the method I have used with all XML and JSON commuinications stopped working on this one company
4). I. DID NOT ask people to test this.
5). I said that the company rep was sending an HTTP:// request and getting a response. He apparently did this with a web browser.
6). My original question was, can we send that one line code within a program. It is the SECOND code example I provided.

Your response was to tell me to use a program that I am not familiar with. I asked for more information on it, and you did not provide a response to that question.

I won't argue with you. I looked at the threads before I asked the question about cURL. I may be "out of touch" but I still find documentation helpful, and threads on a forum are specific to one person's implementation questions and do not document a function or class.

As for wasting time, when the vendor made changes to their system, it has wasted days of my time. A bit of help would have been appreciated.

OH, and I did the search and get this response for curl_easy_init():
No posts were found because the word init| is not contained in any post.
Tim Stone
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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by Carles »

Salutacions, saludos, regards

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Re: JSON with HTTPS: post

Post by TimStone »

I have been spending this time reviewing posts on cURL and curl_easy ( hbcurl ).

I have the latest FWH and Harbour ( Microsoft ) with the .libs mentioned.d

What I do not have is hbcurl.ch

Does anyone have a link where I can download it ? It is NOT included in my recent Harbour downloads ( 32 and 64 bit ).

Tim Stone
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