WebView2 embed web code in your native app

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WebView2 embed web code in your native app

Post by Otto »

Dear Antonio,
Wow, we can now use the full power of Edge from Fivewin.

The Microsoft Edge WebView2 control allows you to embed web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your native apps.
The WebView2 control uses Microsoft Edge as the rendering engine to display the web content in native apps.

With WebView2, you can embed web code in different parts of your native app, or build all the native app within a single WebView2 instance.
Thank you for webview2.

It worked on the first try and I did some tests with HTML5, bootstrap and various javascript libs.

Thank you so much to Antonio and Fivetech.
Best regards,
Here is a small example.

mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Antonio Linares
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Re: WebView2 embed web code in your native app

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Otto,

You are right. MIcrosoft WebView is very powerful and now we have such power in FWH to be used very easily :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: WebView2 embed web code in your native app

Post by leandro »

Hola buenos días

Eso me parece genial :) :) :) :) quisiera empezar a utilizarlo.

Desde que versión de FW esta disponible?, pensé que aun estaba en desarrollo, ya se puede usar con xharbour y borland?
Bogotá (Colombia)

[ Turbo Incremental Link64 6.98 Embarcadero 7.70 ] [ FiveWin 24.09 ] [ xHarbour 64 bits) ]
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Re: WebView2 embed web code in your native app

Post by Antonio Linares »

Estimado Leandro,

> Desde que versión de FW esta disponible ?

FWH 22.06

> pensé que aun estaba en desarrollo, ya se puede usar con xharbour y borland?

Está plenamente operativo y es 100% compatible con Harbour/xHarbour y con Borland, Microsoft y MinGW
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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