i do have use
Code: Select all | Expand
cMemo := STRTRAN( cMemo, CHR( 10 ), CRLF )
when "strip" more HTML CODE i might have use wrong sign so CODE is not "formatted" and all can be in "one line"
Code: Select all | Expand
PROCEDURE StripCodeTag( cCode )
// change HTML in CODE
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, "<br /><br />", CRLF )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, "<br />", " " )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '{', "{" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '}', "}" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, "<", CHR( 34 ) ) // "<" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, ">", CHR( 34 ) ) // ">" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '(', "(" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, ')', ")" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '[', "[" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, ']', "]" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '&', "&" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, " ", " " )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, 'ÿ', " " )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, """, '"' )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '<span', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#0000FF', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#BF0040', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#00C800', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#000000', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#B900B9', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#ff0000', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#0000ff', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '#00D7D7', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, ';">', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '</span>', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, '</div>', "" )
cCode := STRTRAN( cCode, 'style="color:', "" )
Result from Sample https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?t=42143 Message 13
LOCAL aProperty := {
; "AcceleratorCapabilities",; "AdapterCompatibility",; "AdapterDACType",; "AdapterRAM",; "Availability",; "CapabilityDescriptions",; "Caption",; "ColorTableEntries",; "ConfigManagerErrorCode",; "ConfigManagerUserConfig",; "CreationClassName",; "CurrentBitsPerPixel",; "CurrentHorizontalResolution",; "CurrentNumberOfColors",; "CurrentNumberOfColumns",; "CurrentNumberOfRows",; "CurrentRefreshRate",; "CurrentScanMode",; "CurrentVerticalResolution",; "Description",; "DeviceID",; "DeviceSpecificPens",; "DitherType",; "DriverDate",; "DriverVersion",; "ErrorCleared",; "ErrorDescription",; "ICMIntent",; "ICMMethod",; "InfFilename",; "InfSection",; "InstallDate",; "InstalledDisplayDrivers",; "LastErrorCode",; "MaxMemorySupported",; "MaxNumberControlled",; "MaxRefreshRate",; "MinRefreshRate",; "Monochrome",; "Name",; "NumberOfColorPlanes",; "NumberOfVideoPages",; "PNPDeviceID",; "PowerManagementCapabilities",; "PowerManagementSupported",; "ProtocolSupported",; "ReservedSystemPaletteEntries",; "SpecificationVersion",; "Status",; "StatusInfo",; "SystemCreationClassName",; "SystemName",; "SystemPaletteEntries",; "TimeOfLastReset",; "VideoArchitecture",; "VideoMemoryType",; "VideoMode",; "VideoModeDescription",; "VideoProcessor" }
p.s. it do happens in FiveWin Forum where i got HTML COLOR in CODE