Rao, All
Using FWh 2206 and I have created a recordset and getting this error displaying the recordset ..basic xbrowse 101 .... what is wrong ??
Rick Lipkin
cSQL := "SELECT * from Employees order by [Employee]"
oRsEmp := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRsEmp:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRsEmp:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRsEmp:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRsEmp:Open( cSQL,xCONNECT )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening EMPLOYEES table" )
xbrowse( oRsEmp )
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 3 secs
Error occurred at: 03/01/2023, 17:02:48
Error description: Error ADODB.Recordset/6 DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: ISKINDOF
Stack Calls
Called from: => TOLEAUTO:ISKINDOF( 0 )
Called from: .\source\function\XBROWSER.PRG => XBROWSE( 101 )
Called from: EMPLBROW.PRG => _EMPLBROW( 100 )
Called from: MAIN.PRG => (b)MAIN( 739 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:CLICK( 792 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:LBUTTONUP( 1083 )
Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT( 1847 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:HANDLEEVENT( 2135 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3681 )
Called from: => WINRUN( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 1114 )
Called from: MAIN.PRG => MAIN( 782 )
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2669
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2669
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
To All
Found my ( users ) problem .. there are two tables ..
Security table Employee table
Kayla Brown Kayla J Brown
As you can see when the user logs in and bounces their SSO against the security table I store the Name (field name ) Kayla Brown .. then when the User creates a Leave Slip .. I bounce the Name against the Employee table Kayla J Brown ... and when I tried to Filter for the name and looking at the result of the filtered data xBrowse( oRsEmp ) that is where I got the "ISKINDOF error ..
I fixed the employee name in both the Security and Employee tables .. and the program worked fine .. I was only using xBrowse to view the results of the filter to test test the results of the records .. as a test ... xBrowse is not part of the program .. once I fixed the data xBrowse worked fine ..
Rick Lipkin
Found my ( users ) problem .. there are two tables ..
Security table Employee table
Kayla Brown Kayla J Brown
As you can see when the user logs in and bounces their SSO against the security table I store the Name (field name ) Kayla Brown .. then when the User creates a Leave Slip .. I bounce the Name against the Employee table Kayla J Brown ... and when I tried to Filter for the name and looking at the result of the filtered data xBrowse( oRsEmp ) that is where I got the "ISKINDOF error ..
I fixed the employee name in both the Security and Employee tables .. and the program worked fine .. I was only using xBrowse to view the results of the filter to test test the results of the records .. as a test ... xBrowse is not part of the program .. once I fixed the data xBrowse worked fine ..
Rick Lipkin