on the left it was compiled in 2018 on the right in 2023
how is this possible?
I mean for the color of border and for the gradient when I move the mouse
look this videos
the source code is the same
Code: Select all | Expand
@ nRow,ncol BTNBMP aBtnEle[n] ;
FILENAME aElements[n][5];
SIZE 220, 55 PIXEL;
PROMPT aElements[n][2] ;
OF oElements action Msginfo()
aBtnEle[n]:ocursor:= oHand
aBtnEle[n]:nClrBorder := { |obtn| (IIF(obtn:lMOver,CLR_BLUE,CLR_HGRAY)) }
aBtnEle[n]:bClrGrad = { | lInvert | If( ! lInvert,;
{ { 1, CLR_WHITE, CLR_WHITE } },;
{ { 1, RGB( 229,241,251 ), RGB( 229,241,251 ) } } ) }