METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Aug 02, 2023 8:29 am


when try to use "existing" PostgreSQL Table i have Problem with METHOD SavePQQ()
it seems to work when use FWPG_ImportFromDBF() to create a "new" SQL Table


in METHOD SavePQQ() it is "WHERE"
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  FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aKey )
      IF n == 1
         cSql += " WHERE "
         cSql += " AND "
      cSql += aKey[ n, 2 ] + " = " + FW_ValToSQL( aKey[ n, 3 ] )

it get those aKey from ::aStructPG
but ::aStructPG does NOT contain "my" PRIMARY KEY
var2char(::aStructPG[1]) = "{artnr, C, 5, 0, 16820, 1, artikel, __lock_owner, NIL, NIL}"

p.s. __lock_owner is "last" FIELD ... i guess while not found "id"

so it did not work when PRIMARY KEY was create this Way
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     // all FIELD before
      // add "internal" Xbase++ v2.x ISAM Emulation Fields
      cQuery += " __deleted    boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "
      cQuery += " __record     serial  NOT NULL, "
      cQuery += " __rowversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __keyversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __lock_owner integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "

      // Alaska have this
      // CONSTRAINT artikel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (__record)
      cQuery += " CONSTRAINT " + cTable + "_pkey PRIMARY KEY (__record)"
      cQuery += " )"

      oTable := oServer:Query( cQuery )

and was "filled"
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     cIns += "false,"                                                // "__deleted"
      cIns += "nextval('" + cTable + "___record_seq')" + ","          // use nextval() for Sequence !
      cIns += "0,"                                                    // "__rowversion"
      cIns += "0,"                                                    // "__keyversion"
      cIns += "0 "                                                    // "__lock_owner"
      cIns += ")"


so my Question is : how to use own PRIMARY KEY :?:
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:13 am

cIns += "nextval('" + cTable + "___record_seq')" + "," // use nextval() for Sequence !

In Oracle, we use sequences to generate unique IDs and use NEXTVAL(..) for the next value.
Is there a similar facility in PostGre? Can you please explain how it works? ... (for my learning purposes)

I will look into your main question.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Aug 02, 2023 11:17 am


Yes i think it is a similar under PostgreSQL

have a look at
9.15. Sequence Manipulation Functions


i use Concept from Alaska with some "internal" FIELD ("__xxx") which are "usefull"

PRIMARY KEY is based on "__record"
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   cQuery += " CONSTRAINT " + cTable + "_pkey PRIMARY KEY (__record)"

when INSERT it increment next UNIQUE number this Way
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  cIns += "nextval('" + cTable + "___record_seq')" + ","  


i found in c:\fwh\source\function\pgsuport.prg

function FWPG_PrimaryKeys( oQry, cTable )

static function GetSerialCol( oQry, aStruct )

it would be nice if METHOD SavePQQ() use these Function for WHERE
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Aug 02, 2023 11:58 pm


forgot to say ;

it happens when PostgreSQL Table is UTF8
it work when Table use WIN1252

wrong using UTF8 Table
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1787 ) var2char(::aStructPG[1]) = "{artnr, C, 5, 0, 16820, 1, artikel, __lock_owner, NIL, NIL}"
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1848 ) cSql = "UPDATE public.artikel SET vkgesamt = 'sss' WHERE __record = 0.00"

right using ANSI Table

TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1787 ) var2char(::aStructPG[1]) = "{artnr, C, 5, 0, 19174, 1, artikel, artnr, NIL, NIL}"
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1848 ) cSql = "UPDATE public.artikel SET bestand = 222.00 WHERE __record = 88"

p,s, have try FW_SetUnicode( .t. / .f.) and CLIENT_ENCODING "UTF8" / "WIN1252"
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:07 am

WHERE __record

First thing is that the function is identifying the primary key column correctly.

The issue according to you is when client and server encodings are different,

G. N. Rao.
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:06 am

thx for Answer
nageswaragunupudi wrote:First thing is that the function is identifying the primary key column correctly.

it seems Function to identify PRIMARY KEY work correct with UFT8-Table
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1795 ) var2char(aTest) = "__record"
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1804 ) ::aStructPG[ n, 10 ] = "PRI" ::aStructPG[ n, 7 ] = "artikel" cSeq = "artikel___record_seq"

nageswaragunupudi wrote:The issue according to you is when client and server encodings are different,

hm ... how can encoding change FIELD Position :?:

this line "bestand" is ok
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1827 ) var2char(::aModiData) = "{{bestand, 221.00, 6}}"

but aSave have wrong FIELD Name "mindest"
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1828 ) var2char(aSave) = "{{mindest, 221.00}}"

so i get this Error
TDATAROW:SAVEPQQ( 1862 ) cSql = "UPDATE public.artikel SET mindest = 221.00 WHERE __record = 0.00"

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LOCAL lAppend  := ( ::RecNo == 0 )
LOCAL oQry     := ::uSource
LOCAL aModi    := ::aModiData
LOCAL aKey     := {}
LOCAL aSave    := {}
LOCAL cSeq, nCurVal
LOCAL n, v, nFld, cSql, uVal, cWhere, nRows, nRow
LOCAL lRefresh := .f.

fwlog oQry:TableName
fwlog var2char(::aStructPG[1])

* aTest := FWPG_PrimaryKeys( oQry, oQry:TableName )
* fwlog var2char(aTest)

aTest := GetSerialCol( oQry, ::aStructPG )
fwlog var2char(aTest)

   FOR n := 1 TO LEN( ::aStructPG )
      IF ::aStructPG[ n, 10 ] == "PRI" .AND. ;
                 oQry:TableName == ::aStructPG[ n, 7 ]
         IF cSeq == nil .AND. ::aStructPG[ n, 2 ] == '+'
            cSeq := ::aStructPG[ n, 9 ]

fwlog ::aStructPG[ n, 10 ] , ::aStructPG[ n, 7 ], cSeq

         IF VALTYPE( ::aData[ n, 2 ] ) == 'C'
            AADD( aKey, { n, ::aStructPG[ n, 8 ], TRIM( ::aOrg[ n, 2 ] ), TRIM( ::aData[ n, 2 ] ) } )
            AADD( aKey, { n, ::aStructPG[ n, 8 ], ::aOrg[ n, 2 ]        , ::aData[ n, 2 ] } )

   IF EMPTY( aKey )
      RETURN .t.

   FOR n := 1 TO LEN( ::aModiData )
      nFld := ::aModiData[ n, 3 ]
      uVal := ::aModiData[ n, 2 ]
      IF VALTYPE( uVal ) == 'C'
         uVal := TRIM( uVal )
        AADD( aSave, { ::aStructPG[ nFld, 8 ], uVal } ) // wrong ???

fwlog var2char(::aModiData)
fwlog var2char(aSave)
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:12 am

This a small tip about using fwlog.
No need to use var2char()

Just write
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fwlog aSave

fwlog function takes care of converting the array as string.
This also works for small arrays
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? aSave

I will look into the main issue and get back.
Please tell me how to find the encoding of a specific table?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:12 am


i wonder why not :aModiData is used for aSave
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*        AADD( aSave, { ::aStructPG[ nFld, 8 ], uVal } ) // wrong for UTF8 Table ???
        AADD( aSave, { ::aModiData[n][1], ::aModiData[n][2] } )

i have "dump" (big) Array of PG-Structure ( have split it for better reading)

var2char(::aStructPG) = "{
{artnr, C, 5, 0, 16820, 1, artikel, __lock_owner, NIL, NIL},
{artikel, C, 30, 0, 16820, 2, artikel, bpreis3, NIL, NIL},
{verpackung, C, 10, 0, 16820, 3, artikel, lagerein, NIL, NIL},
{einheit, C, 3, 0, 16820, 4, artikel, lageraus, NIL, NIL},
{apreis, N, 9, 2, 16820, 5, artikel, ktkgegal, NIL, NIL},
{bestand, N, 9, 2, 16820, 6, artikel, mindest, NIL, NIL},
{datletzab, C, 8, 0, 16820, 7, artikel, aufmonate, NIL, NIL},
{warengrupe, N, 3, 0, 16820, 8, artikel, lastmhd, NIL, NIL},
{mwst, N, 2, 0, 16820, 9, artikel, __deleted, NIL, NIL},

{vkgesamt, +, 9, 2, 16820, 10, artikel, __record, artikel___record_seq, PRI},

{epreis, N, 9, 2, 16820, 11, artikel, __rowversion, NIL, NIL},
{datletzzu, C, 8, 0, 16820, 12, artikel, __keyversion, NIL, NIL},
{kkpreis, N, 9, 2, 16820, 13, artikel, apreis, NIL, NIL},
{steinh, C, 3, 0, 16820, 14, artikel, bestand, NIL, NIL},
{ststueck, N, 8, 2, 16820, 15, artikel, warengrupe, NIL, NIL},
{stpreis, N, 9, 2, 16820, 16, artikel, mwst, NIL, NIL},
{code, C, 10, 0, 16820, 17, artikel, vkgesamt, NIL, NIL},
{gewicht, N, 8, 2, 16820, 18, artikel, epreis, NIL, NIL},
{orgbestand, N, 11, 2, 16820, 19, artikel, kkpreis, NIL, NIL},
{diff, N, 11, 2, 16820, 20, artikel, ststueck, NIL, NIL},
{wert, N, 14, 2, 16820, 21, artikel, stpreis, NIL, NIL},
{neubestand, N, 9, 2, 16820, 22, artikel, gewicht, NIL, NIL},
{bpreis1, N, 9, 2, 16820, 23, artikel, orgbestand, NIL, NIL},
{bpreis2, N, 9, 2, 16820, 24, artikel, diff, NIL, NIL},
{bpreis3, N, 9, 2, 16820, 25, artikel, wert, NIL, NIL},
{lagerein, N, 11, 2, 16820, 26, artikel, neubestand, NIL, NIL},
{lageraus, N, 11, 2, 16820, 27, artikel, bpreis1, NIL, NIL},
{ktkgegal, L, 1, 0, 16820, 28, artikel, bpreis2, NIL, NIL},
{lastref, C, 9, 0, 16820, 29, artikel, artikel, NIL, NIL},
{chinaart, C, 30, 0, 16820, 30, artikel, verpackung, NIL, NIL},
{mindest, N, 3, 0, 16820, 31, artikel, einheit, NIL, NIL},
{aufmonate, N, 2, 0, 16820, 32, artikel, lastplatz, NIL, NIL},
{lastplatz, C, 4, 0, 16820, 33, artikel, steinh, NIL, NIL},
{lastmhd, D, 8, 0, 16820, 34, artikel, datletzab, NIL, NIL},

{__deleted, L, 1, 0, 16820, 35, artikel, artnr, NIL, NIL},
{__record, +, 9, 0, 16820, 36, artikel, lastref, NIL, NIL, artikel___record_seq},
{__rowversion, N, 9, 0, 16820, 37, artikel, code, NIL, NIL},
{__keyversion, N, 9, 0, 16820, 38, artikel, chinaart, NIL, NIL},
{__lock_owner, N, 9, 0, 16820, 39, artikel, datletzzu, NIL, NIL}}"

you can see that 10th Element have "artikel___record_seq" which is wrong and "dupe"
so i got
aKey = {{10,"__record",0.00,0.00}}

Question : what is 8th Element of ROW from ::aStructPG for :?:
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:13 am


i have used from c:\fwh\source\function\pgsuport.prg
function GetSerialCol( oQry, aStruct )


and change to
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  cSeq := GetSerialCol( oQry, ::aStructPG )
   n := ASCAN(::aStructPG,{|x| x[1] = cSeq } )
   IF n > 0
      AADD( aKey, { n, ::aStructPG[ n, 1 ], ::aOrg[ n, 2 ]        , ::aData[ n, 2 ] } )

i´m not sure why it use a FOR / NEXT loop for aKey :?:
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     FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aKey )
         IF n == 1
            cSql += " WHERE "
            cSql += " AND "

i don´t understand why it can be "more" that 1 x Key == WHERE while it is a single ROW to "save"
how did a Sample using AND look like :?:


now it work with ANSI ans UTF8 Table :)

p.s. have not try APPEND yet
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  IF lAppend .AND. !EMPTY( cSeq )
      nCurVal := FWPG_Execute( oQry, "SELECT currval( '" + cSeq + "' )" ) [ 1, 1 ]

i wonder about currval() ... i "think" it must be nextval() when APPEND
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:44 am

i don´t understand why it can be "more" that 1 x Key == WHERE while it is a single ROW to "save"
how did a Sample using AND look like :?:

We can create a table defining primary key to be a combination of more than one field.

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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:17 pm


thx for Answer
nageswaragunupudi wrote:We can create a table defining primary key to be a combination of more than one field.

hm ...

calling METHOD SavePQQ() is for "single" Record
FIELD for PRIMARY KEY are Type "Int" and UNIQUE

as i understand PRIMARY KEY should work for us like RECORD() to "identify"

you can have 2 x "Int" like this
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CREATE TABLE example (
a integer,
b integer,
c integer,

but for a "normal" App you don´t have such "bigint" to "identify" ( need 64 Bit )
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:57 pm

Primary key can be a combination of any number of fields of different types. Need not all be integer fields only. All RDBMSs support this.
Different programmers have different ideas and preferences.

I personally know such cases of very complex primary keys. Just those programmers' choice.
eg: constraints like
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where branch and dept are character fields and rowid is an integer.
The programmer feels it is convenient for him to consolidate tables from different branches into the main table at head quarters.

Though I personally prefer using one autoincrement integer field as primary key, when we make FWH library we need to cater to all kinds of programmers and their needs and preferences.

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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Aug 05, 2023 5:42 pm

Question : what is 8th Element of ROW from ::aStructPG for :?:

In cases of SQL like this
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SELECT first AS firstname, ...

Column 1 shows "firstname" and column 8 shows the actual name of the field, i.e., "first"
So, we need to use column 8 only for building update or insert sql.

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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Aug 05, 2023 6:05 pm

Mr. Jimmy

You pointed out that primary keys are not correctly recognized by our libraries.
We tested this issue.
You are right partially.

Primary key is correctly recognized when and ONLY WHEN the primary key field is defined as SERIAL. But our libraries are failing on all other cases.

We are looking into this and will fix and provide you with the revised programs very soon. Please wait.

Another issue:
The function FWPG_PrimaryKeys() is always returning zero rows.
We will fix this also.

Please bear with us a little and we will get back to you with proper solution very soon.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: METHOD SavePQQ() need "id" or how to use own PRIMARY KEY ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:04 pm

The function FWPG_PrimaryKeys() is always returning zero rows.

This is due to a very very silly mistake in the source code;
In the program source\function\pgsuport.prg
in the function FWPG_PrimaryKeys(...)
This buggy line
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  StrTran( cSql, "<TABLE>", cTable )

should be:
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  cSql := StrTran( cSql, "<TABLE>", cTable )

Very embarrassing. :(
Kindly wait for some more changes

G. N. Rao.
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