I recently upgraded to the latest FWH and I am able to compile my program using xBuilder/xHarbour however, I'm getting an error in a particular function.
I'm using a 3rd party lib for emailing. This is the code in question:
hSmtp := LoadLibrary("CSMTPAV9.dll")
// Must initialize first. Should return true
lSmtpInit := SmtpInitialize(CSTOOLS9_LICENSE_KEY)
DLL FUNCTION SmtpInitialize(license AS LPSTR, initdata AS LPSTR) AS BOOL ;
PASCAL FROM "SmtpInitializeA" LIB hSmtp
The license key is a define for a long string of random letters.
The error I get is:
Compiler version: xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20170127)
FiveWin version: FWH 23.04
C compiler version: Pelles ISO C Compiler 3.0 (32-bit)
Windows 10 32 Bits, version: 6.2, Build 9200
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 23 secs
Error occurred at: 08/04/23, 20:52:10
Error description: Error BASE/1099 Argument error: STR
[ 1] = P 0x51000000
[ 2] = U
[ 3] = U
Stack Calls
Called from: => STR( 0 )
Called from: Catalyst.Prg => SMTPINITIALIZE( 0 )
Called from: Catalyst.Prg => INITIALIZECATALYST( 230 )
Called from: Catalyst.Prg => LOADCATALYST( 204 )
Called from: Catalyst.Prg => (b)LOADCATLIBS( 192 )
Has something changed about the DLL FUNCTION? Should I be defining and calling this function another way? This has worked for years in previous versions of FWH and xHarbour.
Randal Ferguson