I have the following code, I need the same code for all the columns of the browse, something like :nEditTypes := 1, I know that I can repeat it as many columns as the browse has, the problem is that I don't know how many columns the browse has.
- Code: Select all Expand view
WITH OBJECT :aCols[03]
:bOnPreEdit := { | oCol, xVal, nKey | IIF(nSaldo <= 0,MsgStop("No hay más autobuses disponibles !",oApp:cAplicacion),)}
:bOnChange := { | oCol, uOldVal| VerSaldo(uOldVal) }
:bEditValid := { | oGet | Valida(oGet:VarGet())}
I am building the browse with the code AUTOCOLS
Thank you for your kind help
Best regards