who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Sep 27, 2023 4:30 am


i like to know who is using PostgreSQL with Fivewin :?:

it seems me nobody use PostgreSQL but MySQL / MariaDB, or :?:


if nobody is using PostgreSQL i like to ask for "new Concept"
Alaska have a Concept for PostgreSQL so all Xbase++ User will follow it when use PgDBE

it would be a big Argument if Fivewin can use PostgreSQL "the same Way" as PgDBE
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Natter » Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:53 am

I used (4-5 years ago)

FW_SetUnicode( .t. )
oPQ:= TPQServer():New( cHost, BaseName, TableName, password, , "public")
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:44 am

hi Natter,

YES, i mean TPQServer Constribution which can be used with Fivewin

i have "Problem" with PRIMARY KEY made by Xbase++ Concept of PgDBE
Alaska seems to use PRIMARY KEY in "other" Way so it does not work correct with "SavePQQ()"


i got a Workaround*** from Rao, but if "nobody" is using PostgreSQL yet we can prepare it for all Xbase++ User

all Xbase++ User, who are using PgDBE, will have "same" PRIMARY KEY which FUNCTION GetSerialCol() can "identify"
if is in c:\fwh\source\function\pgsuport.prg but it is "Comment out" :(

i can not use it "outside" PRG while it include #xtranslate and STATIC FUNCION PGLinked()
it will not "hurt" anybody when "enable" FUNCTION GetSerialCol(). PLEASE


to enhance SavePQQ() i check if PRIMARY KEY is FIELD "__record" -> Xbase++ PdDBE
there are also some "Trigger"which i must "update" else Data will be "corrupt" for Xbase++ Apps using PgDBE

but the Main work is : how to emulate ISAM Style

Concept of Xbase++ PgDBE have a lot of Overhead so i look for a harbour / Fivewin Way


when build TPQServer LIB there is a File rddcopy.c

Question : how to use "PostgreSQL RDBMS low-level (client API) interface code" with CLASS TPQServer :?:
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Willi Quintana » Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:46 pm

I use postgres, only for reading and updating data.
Code: Select all  Expand view

Function AdoPostgre()
local oPon, oRs, oData, cString, aLIst, oRec

cString := "Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI};Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=postgres;Uid=postgres;Pwd=ekatroncito;"
  oPon := TOleAuto():new("adodb.connection")
oPon:ConnectionString := cString

  ? "Error en la conexión"

oRec := TOleAuto():New("adodb.recordset")

oRec:CursorLocation := 3  // adUseClient
oRec:CursorType := 3 // adOpenStatic
oRec:ActiveConnection:= oPon

oRec:Open("UPDATE test SET name = 'PRUEBA DE UPDDATE' WHERE code <= 20")

oRec:Open("SELECT * FROM test")



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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Wed Sep 27, 2023 4:04 pm


thx for Answer.

you seems to use ODBC, not sure if have same Problem like CLASS TPQServer()
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby richard-service » Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:05 am

Hi Jimmy,

I used MySQL Server with TMySQL connect 3-4 years ago.
Best Regards,


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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Sep 28, 2023 1:21 pm

hi Richard,

i want to use PostgreSQL which seems not used by Fivewin User.

but i have Problem when use PostgreSQL Table which was create by Xbase++

my Fivewin Version 23/07 does NOT work correct with "SavePQQ()"
PRIMARY KEY will NOT correct recognize so WHERE does not work


if nobody work with PostgreSQL and TPQServer() Constribution i would like to ask for new "SavePQQ()"
i do have modify "SavePQQ()" and now it work correct with PostgreSQL Table create by Xbase++
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:19 pm

my Fivewin Version 23/07 does NOT work correct with "SavePQQ()"

While we totally disagree, we suggest a totally different approach for you.

For the purpose of reading, editing and saving PostGre records, please totally avoid using FWH's TDataRow.
Also totally avoid using any functions of FWPGSUPPORT.PRG for reading, saving and primary keys.

Instead you may directly use methods of TPQquery and TPQrow classes of Harbour's hbpgsql.lib.

This is very simple.

This is the way to go:
Code: Select all  Expand view
  oQry  := oServer:Query( "select * from states" )
   XBROWSER oQry:aStruct   // structure

   // Getting primary keys
   ? oQry:aKeys // --> {"id"} // primary keys array

   oRow  := oQry:GetBlankRow()  // for appending
   // or
   oRow  := oQry:GetRow( nRow ) // for editing

   // oRow has mainly datas aStruct and aRow
   // aRow contains field values
   ? oRow:aRow //--> { 1, "WA", "Washington" }

   // NOW, USING fieldnames from oRow:aStruct
   // and field values from oRow:aRow
   // Build your own dialog and edit the values

   // finally save the changes using:
   oQry:Update( oRow )
   // or
   oQry:Append( oRow )

You may read more in "tpostgre.prg" of Harbour.

Now, it is entirely between you and Harbour's library and FWH does not come in your way at all.

If you like to have a working sample, please let us know.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:47 pm


as i can say METHOD SavePQQ() work with Fivewin Sample but NOT with Xbase++ PostgreSQL Table

but when "nobody" is using PostgreSQL under Fivewin yet, why not change / new METHOD SavePQQ() to make it "ready" for Xbase++ :?:

i know Concept of PgDBE so i can help to made Fivewin "ready***" for PostgreSQL Table made by Xbase++

you can "identify" PostgreSQL Table, made by Xbase++, while it have these "internal" FIELDs
Code: Select all  Expand view
     cQuery += " __deleted    boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "
      cQuery += " __record     serial  NOT NULL, "
      cQuery += " __rowversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __keyversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __lock_owner integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "

Code: Select all  Expand view
     cQuery += " CONSTRAINT " + cTable + "_pkey PRIMARY KEY (__record)"

***not talking about "Index" FIELD made by PgDBE


as i say it is NOT a Problem of CLASS TPQServer(), it is METHOD SavePQQ() of Fivewin

it is a different Concept but Fivewin already have the Solution GetSerialCol() ... why is it not "active" :roll:

this is "try and Error"
Code: Select all  Expand view
  FOR n := 1 TO LEN( ::aStructPG )
      IF ::aStructPG[ n, 10 ] == "PRI" .AND. ;
                 oQry:TableName == ::aStructPG[ n, 7 ]
         IF cSeq == nil .AND. ::aStructPG[ n, 2 ] == '+'
            cSeq := ::aStructPG[ n, 9 ]
         IF VALTYPE( ::aData[ n, 2 ] ) == 'C'
            AADD( aKey, { n, ::aStructPG[ n, 8 ], TRIM( ::aOrg[ n, 2 ] ), TRIM( ::aData[ n, 2 ] ) } )
            AADD( aKey, { n, ::aStructPG[ n, 8 ], ::aOrg[ n, 2 ], ::aData[ n, 2 ] } )

this is Postgre SQL Way
Code: Select all  Expand view
  cSql := "select ordinal_position,column_default,column_name from " + ;
           "information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + oQry:TableName + "'" + ;
           " and column_default like 'nextval(%'"

the 2nd Solution will ALLWAYS work correct ( when use nextval() NOT currval() )
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:42 pm


this CODE is to Import DBF into PostgreSQL Table "ala Xbase++"
it is different than FWPG_ImportFromDBF() as it include "internal" FIELD which Xbase++ use

after Table is create try use BROWSEr and "edit" it. when "save" you will got the Problem

Code: Select all  Expand view
FUNCTION DoImportNow( cHostName, cDatabase, cUser, cPassWord, cTable, cDbf )
LOCAL cQuery, i, iMax, nPosi
LOCAL oServer, oTable
LOCAL cField, cType, nLen, nReccount
LOCAL nHandle
LOCAL nStart, nStop, cLogFile
LOCAL lUseBlob, cPreText, cIns
LOCAL nLenStruc, nLenSum := 0
LOCAL aDbfStruct
LOCAL lCreateTable := .T.
LOCAL nEvery       := 100
LOCAL nCount       := 0
LOCAL lTruncate    := .F.
LOCAL lUseTrans    := .F.
LOCAL nBatchSize   := 20
LOCAL nBatchhave   := 0
LOCAL _cVia        := "DBFCDX"

   SbarText( "" )
   SbarText( "Import DBF " + cDbf )
   SbarText( "to" )
   SbarText( "Hostname " + cHostName )
   SbarText( "Catalog  " + cDatabase )
   SbarText( "Table    " + cTable )
   SbarText( "" )

   lUseBlob := .F.

   cLogFile := RTRIM( cTable ) + ".log"
   // create log file
   IF ( nHandle := FCREATE( cLogFile ) ) == F_ERROR
      MsgInfo( "Cannot create log file" )
      RETURN .F.

   aDbfStruct := DBSTRUCT()
   nReccount := RECCOUNT()

   oServer := TPQServer() :New( cHostName, cDatabase, cUser, cPassWord )
   IF oServer:NetErr()
      MsgInfo( oServer:ErrorMsg(), "TPQServer" )
      RETURN .F.

   oServer:lallCols := .F.

   IF lCreateTable
      IF oServer:TableExists( cTable )
         oServer:DeleteTable( cTable )
         IF oServer:NetErr()
            MsgInfo( oServer:ErrorMsg(), "DeleteTable" )
            FWRITE( nHandle, "Error: " + oServer:ErrorMsg() + hb_eol() )
            FCLOSE( nHandle )
            RETURN .F.

      // oServer:CreateTable( cTable, aDbfStruct )
      // "own" Way to include "internal" FIELD(s)

      cQuery := "CREATE TABLE " + cTable + " ( "
      SbarText( "Create Table " + cTable )
      SbarText( "" )

      iMax := LEN( aDbfStruct )
      i = 1
      FOR i = 1 TO iMax
         nLenSum += aDbfStruct[ i ] [ DBS_LEN ]
         cQuery += aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_NAME ]

         SbarText( aDbfStruct[ i ] [ DBS_NAME ] )
         DO CASE
            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "C"
               cQuery += " character(" + ALLTRIM( STR( aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_LEN ] ) ) + "), "
               nLenSum += 4
            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "N"
               cQuery += " numeric(" + ALLTRIM( STR( aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_LEN ] ) ) + ',' + ALLTRIM( STR( aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_DEC ] ) ) + "), "
               nLenSum += 2
            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "D"
               cQuery += " date, "
               nLenSum += 4

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "M"
               // IF lUseBlob = .T.
               //    cQuery += " bytea, "
               // ELSE
               cQuery += " text, "
               // ENDIF
               nLenSum += 4

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "L"
               nLenSum += 8
               cQuery += " boolean, "

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "V"
               // store as HEX String
               cQuery += " bytea, "

      // add "internal" Xbase++ v2.x ISAM Emulation Fields
      cQuery += " __deleted    boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "
      cQuery += " __record     serial  NOT NULL, "
      cQuery += " __rowversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __keyversion integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "
      cQuery += " __lock_owner integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "

      IF nReccount * nLenSum < 4096
         nBatchSize := 1

      cQuery += " CONSTRAINT " + cTable + "_pkey PRIMARY KEY (__record)"
      cQuery += " )"

      oTable := oServer:Query( cQuery )
      IF oServer:NetErr()
         MsgInfo( oServer:ErrorMsg(), "CreateTable" )
         FWRITE( nHandle, "Error: " + oServer:ErrorMsg() + hb_eol() )
         FCLOSE( nHandle )
         RETURN .F.

   IF lTruncate
      oServer:Execute( "truncate table " + cTable )
      IF oServer:NetErr()
         MsgInfo( oServer:ErrorMsg(), "truncate table" )
         FWRITE( nHandle, "Error: " + oServer:ErrorMsg() + hb_eol() )
         FCLOSE( nHandle )
         RETURN .F.

   i := 1
   //    SetProperty( "HbImport", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", 0 )
   IF lUseTrans

   SbarText( "Start: " + TIME() )
   cPreText := "INSERT INTO " + cTable + " VALUES("

   nEvery := INT( RECCOUNT() / 100 )

   nStart := SECONDS()
      nCount ++
      lUseBlob := .F.
      cIns := cPreText
      i = 1
      FOR i = 1 TO LEN( aDbfStruct )
         cField := aDbfStruct[ i ] [ DBS_NAME ]
         cType := aDbfStruct[ i ] [ DBS_TYPE ]
         nLen := aDbfStruct[ i ] [ DBS_LEN ]

         DO CASE
            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "C"
               cIns += " '" + STRTRAN( ALLTRIM( FIELDGET( i ) ), "'", '"' ) + "',"

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = 'N'
               cIns += " " + ALLTRIM( STR( FIELDGET( i ), aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_LEN ], aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_DEC ] ) ) + ","

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = 'D'
               IF EMPTY( FIELDGET( i ) )
                  cIns += " NULL,"
                  cIns += " '" + DTOC( FIELDGET( i ) ) + "',"

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = 'M'
               // if you have Bitmap in Memo
               IF lUseBlob = .T.
                  // cIns += " '\x" + cBin2Hex( FIELDGET( i ) ) + "',"
                  lUseBlob := .T.
                  cIns += " '" + STRTRAN( FIELDGET( i ), "'", '"' ) + "',"

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "L"
               cIns += "  " + IF( FIELDGET( i ) = .T., "true, ", "false, " )

            CASE aDbfStruct[ i, DBS_TYPE ] = "V"
               // better use Type "V"
               // cIns += " '\x" + cBin2Hex( FIELDGET( i ) ) + "',"
               lUseBlob := .T.


      // add "__deleted" default
      cIns += "false,"                                                // "__deleted"

      // use nextval() for Sequence !
      cIns += "nextval('" + cTable + "___record_seq')" + ","          // use nextval()

      cIns += "0,"                                                    // "__rowversion"
      cIns += "0,"                                                    // "__keyversion"
      cIns += "0 "                                                    // "__lock_owner"
      cIns += ")"

      cIns += ";" + CRLF

*      nBatchhave ++
*      IF nBatchhave >= nBatchSize
*         nBatchhave := 0

         oTable := oServer:Query( cIns )

         IF oServer:NetErr()
            MsgInfo( oServer:ErrorMsg(), "INSERT Record" )
            SbarText( "Error Record: " + STR( RECNO() ) + " " + LEFT( oTable:ErrorMsg(), 70 ) )
            FWRITE( nHandle, "Error at record: " + hb_ntos( RECNO() ) + ;
                    " Description: " + cField + hb_eol() + ;
                    " Type " + cType + hb_eol() + ;
                    " Len  " + STR( nLen ) + hb_eol() + ;
                    oTable:ErrorMsg() + hb_eol() )

            FCLOSE( nHandle )
            GO BOTTOM

         // Reset
         cIns := ""
*      ELSE
*         cIns += ";" + CRLF
*      ENDIF

      IF ( nCount % nEvery ) == 0
         // nPosi := GetProperty( "HbImport", "ProgressBar_1", "Value" )
         // SetProperty( "HbImport", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", nPosi + 1 )
         // DO EVENTS
         IF lUseTrans

      // IF ::lAbort = .T.
      //    GO BOTTOM
      // ENDIF

*   IF ( nCount % nEvery ) != 0
*      IF lUseTrans
*      ENDIF
   //    SetProperty( "HbImport", "ProgressBar_1", "Value", 0 )
   nStop := SECONDS()

   SbarText( "" )
   SbarText( "End: " + TIME() )
   SbarText( "" )
   SbarText( "records in dbf: " + hb_ntos( RECNO() ) )
   SbarText( "imported recs: " + hb_ntos( nCount ) )
   SbarText( "Sec " + Sec2HMS( nStop - nStart ) )
   SbarText( "Rec/Sec " + hb_ntos( nCount / ( nStop - nStart ) ) )
   SbarText( "" )

   IF !EMPTY( nHandle )
      FCLOSE( nHandle )


   IF FILESIZE( cLogFile ) > 1
      RUN ( "NOTEPAD.EXE " + cLogFile )
      FERASE( cLogFile )


PROCEDURE SbarText( cIn )
   fwlog cIn
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:12 am

as i can say METHOD SavePQQ() work with Fivewin Sample but NOT with Xbase++ PostgreSQL Table

as i say it is NOT a Problem of CLASS TPQServer(), it is METHOD SavePQQ() of Fivewin

SavePQQ() is a method of TDataRow class of FWH.
That is the reason, why we advised not to use TDataRow and other FWH functions for reading, editing and modifying the PostGre records and instead directly use TPQquery and TPQrow classes of Harbour's hbpgsql.lib. This helps us to close any further discussion on SavePQQ().

this CODE is to Import DBF into PostgreSQL Table "ala Xbase++

Glad. Now your have your own function to import dbfs.

after Table is create try use BROWSEr and "edit" it. when "save" you will got the Problem

When you import dbf with your own code and "edit" using your own code, FWH does not come into picture.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby jvtecheto » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:32 pm

Jimmy wrote:hi,

i like to know who is using PostgreSQL with Fivewin :?:

it seems me nobody use PostgreSQL but MySQL / MariaDB, or :?:


if nobody is using PostgreSQL i like to ask for "new Concept"
Alaska have a Concept for PostgreSQL so all Xbase++ User will follow it when use PgDBE

it would be a big Argument if Fivewin can use PostgreSQL "the same Way" as PgDBE

Hi jimmy

My friend Manu Exposito, creator of the MariaDB, SQLite, etc. HDO access library, among other libs,
has created a mini object-oriented library to access Postgre.

If you want to try it, it's free, it's in


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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:08 am

hi RAO,

you do NOT understand what i say: it is not for ME only :!:

it is for Xbase++ User who want to change to Fivewin and use PostgreSQL


i also have made a "native" Version for HMG which can be used under Fivewin
but it use GRID not XBROWSEr which is used by Fivewin

so Xbase++ User will ask : why use "extra" CODE when all are include in Fivewin

as i can say it is METHOD SavePQQ(), which are NOT working as it use "your" Concept, which nobody seems to use it
i request a Concept which IS used by Xbase++ User. it need to get "right" PRIMARY KEY which FUNCTION GetSerialCol() does

so i´m asking to "enable" existing FUNCTION GetSerialCol(), thats all
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Re: who use PostgreSQL with Fivewin ?

Postby Jimmy » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:25 am


thx for Answer
jvtecheto wrote:My friend Manu Exposito, creator of the MariaDB, SQLite, etc. HDO access library, among other libs,
has created a mini object-oriented library to access Postgre.

If you want to try it, it's free, it's in

i have to Login / Register to get into Mod_harbout Forum ....


i do have a "native" Solution to use LibPQ.DLL.
under Xbase++ / HMG is use a GRID but under Fivewin i like to use XBROWSEr


Fivewin does have ALL what is need but PRIMARY KEY is "identify" wrong in METHOD SavePQQ()
it does work when use Fivewin Sample but not with PostgreSQL Table made by "other" like Xbase++

but what Sense make a Concept which is not used by any Fivewin User :?:
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