Mr. Rao EOF() BOF() not working wirh RecSet

Mr. Rao EOF() BOF() not working wirh RecSet

Postby Willi Quintana » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:42 am

Mr Rao
You can help me please , I use RecSet, but not work correctly, EOF() and BOF() not workink with RecSet, see you this example: I used MaeiaDb
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Function ListaUser(oCn)
local lOK, cData, oData, aRet := {}

lOk := .t.

cData := "SELECT nick FROM usuarios ORDER BY nick"

  oData := oCn:RecSet( cData )
  lOK := .f.

If lOk

  xbrowse(oData)           // <----------------------------ok..

  WHILE !oData:EOF()   // <--------- :EOF(), BOF()  With :RecSet not working, with RowSet  is Ok
    AADD(aRet, oData:nick )



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Re: Mr. Rao EOF() BOF() not working wirh RecSet

Postby anserkk » Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:24 am

What about calling oData:MoveFirst() before starting the Do while Loop ?
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Re: Mr. Rao EOF() BOF() not working wirh RecSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:08 am

You are right.
With RecSet, eof() and bof() do not work.
We will try to provide this in future versions.
for now you can use this:
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nRecs := oData:RecCount()
nSave := oData:RecNo()
do while oData:RecNo() <= nRecs
   // do whatever
   oData:Skip( 1 )
oData:GoTo( nSave )

We advise to use RecSet class if and only if the table is very large and there is no other go but to read and browse the entire table.
In all other cases use RowSet class with suitable WHERE clause.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Mr. Rao EOF() BOF() not working wirh RecSet

Postby Willi Quintana » Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:13 pm

Thanks Mr Rao....
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