Hi Arturo,
Arturo Lopesoria wrote:Arturo Lopesoria wrote:Estimado Arturo,
Has revisado el nuevo producto de Carles Aubia ?
Es uhttpd supervitaminado

regards, saludos
Antonio Linares
No conozco el Producto pero claro qu lo voy a checar
Gracias Antonio.
Un Abrazo
Gracias Antonio. He utilizado casi dos días y he avanzado algo con el estudio RX de Carles. Es un producto muy elegante.
1.- Entiendo el enfoque principal de Carles donde RX es responsable tanto del diseño front-end y del back-end de una manera muy sencilla, eso me parece fauloso para el mundo harbour.
2.- Aún no llego al punto de saber si es posible compilar a manera de no exponer el código html/prg en la PC que funge como servidor.
Tampoco he entendido bien todavía cómo hacer para que RX sirva únicamente back-end y permita conexiones desde un orígen distinto, pero seguiré estudiandolo más para ver si puedo usarlo cumpliendo con mis dos propósitos específicos actuales.
This has always been a taboo in the harbour world, that the source code be visible. In today's large frameworks, most of the code is visible, BUT on the server side, where it runs, a server that in principle ONLY the administrator has access to. That's why it makes me laugh when I read many times that CGI is the best system because being exes and user can't access the code.
Having commented on this point, I could say several things, for example that RX is an executable, as you can see, made with the UT library and that you don't really see the code, so if this is so important, you can see that if you want you can develop your systems this way. But the RX functionality allows you to create modules and have all the code if you want in your own package (embeded), or part in the package and part in visible files, or all visible. But I would say that maybe you have to see the speed, flexibility and power of the system, designed exclusively with our Harbour, it's that easy.
If you want to see, for example, the xtreme package, there is code that I have put in several ways: the one that is in the package, the one that is in visible files or for the same module, one part (the logic) in prg and another (the view) in file, it’s fantastic.
If you want a system to make programs this is the realistic scenario. If you just want to spit out a few data by doing a simple ? { 'success' => .t., 'data' => '...' } is enough. If this is what you want, it is very simple.... but is it really enough?
There are many topics to touch on when you design something on the web, it is not as trivial as saying: you want this, then take this, pim pam.
RX allows you to easily test your native code if you want, or use other options as I show in the Xtreme example in which I use TWeb, to be able to verify that this type of system also works, but it is not exclusive, everyone can program it as they want and feel comfortable
One of my goals is to "try" to help you easily take this leap with minimal web knowledge. Those who are experts do not need these options because the nature of the web is different and the ways are different... and really i'm not interested
Just yesterday I did a session (sorry, but it's in Spanish) explaining the same thing that is in the program's help (which is in English and Spanish) and being able to check and understand how to fit the pieces together, I advise you to look at it if you want to understand RX . The link is this ->
My best wishes so that you can all take this leap and start a new era by sharing harbour code to use on the web.
A final note… Can you see how fast RX moves?

It's the magic of Harbour brought to the web, so you can fully trust it...