Error System no longer works.

Error System no longer works.

Postby byron.hopp » Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:15 pm

I have been working on my link script and I might have somehow lost my default error system, when I get an error, my app just goes away. The hb_out.log has this:
Application Internal Error - E:\Datafile\Ihss32\ihss32.exe
Terminated at: 2024-02-26 14:12:18
Unrecoverable error 9003: Too many recursive error handler calls
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from STR(0)
Called from ERRORDIALOG(151) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from (b)ERRORSYS(23) in .\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG
Called from RECORDCOUNT(0)
Called from OPENSETS(96) in .\ihss32.PRG
Called from (b)MAIN(71) in .\ihss32.PRG
Called from TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE(1006) in .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG
Called from MAIN(71) in .\ihss32.PRG

Anybody have any idea what I have done?
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Posts: 372
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:55 pm
Location: Southern California, USA

Re: Error System no longer works.

Postby karinha » Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:56 am

Show: Called from MAIN(71) in .\ihss32.PRG complete.

Have you modified ERRSYSW.PRG? Copy the ORIGINAL from c:\fwh\source\function to the project folder and compile and tell us what happen.

¿Has modificado ERRSYSW.PRG? Copie el ORIGINAL de c:\fwh\source\function a la carpeta del proyecto, compílelo y cuéntenos qué sucede.

Gracias, thanks.

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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