Create cTags file with UESTUDIO
Create cTags file with UESTUDIO
I am testing UESTUDIO editor and it is very good .
I am problem to create the cTags file (with Exuberant Ctags) .
There is a way to create the cTags with another programm ?
Regards Maurizio
I am problem to create the cTags file (with Exuberant Ctags) .
There is a way to create the cTags with another programm ?
Regards Maurizio
- Antonio Linares
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Have you tried to send an email to the makers of UESTUDIO at They respond quickly with either an answer or a fix.
I have been working with IDM recently to create an improved config file used to build apps using xHarbour, FiveWin using the Borland compiler. I am not certain if the latest config file has been released yet but my testing so far looks good.
As added info, some time ago there was also posted a message regarding the Custom Control. I could find no problem with my copy of UEStudio but reported it anyway to insure that the current version was indeed fixed.
Have you tried to send an email to the makers of UESTUDIO at They respond quickly with either an answer or a fix.
I have been working with IDM recently to create an improved config file used to build apps using xHarbour, FiveWin using the Borland compiler. I am not certain if the latest config file has been released yet but my testing so far looks good.
As added info, some time ago there was also posted a message regarding the Custom Control. I could find no problem with my copy of UEStudio but reported it anyway to insure that the current version was indeed fixed.
Last edited by Ken Wantz on Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Antonio Linares
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Please refer to my new UEStudio Configuration File post at
Last edited by Ken Wantz on Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Andrés González
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If you refer to the last entry in you will find a link Antonio posted to download a zip of the Project, Config and Wordfile.txt files.
Note that the Config file in the zip is different from the config I posted here. Mine was created by the IDM developers which I tested to insure it worked correctly.
If you refer to the last entry in you will find a link Antonio posted to download a zip of the Project, Config and Wordfile.txt files.
Note that the Config file in the zip is different from the config I posted here. Mine was created by the IDM developers which I tested to insure it worked correctly.
- Andrés González
- Posts: 629
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This is a sample programm for create the cTags file , so is it possible find any function in a disk or in folder .
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
static oMeter2
function Main()
LOcal bAction := { | oMeter, oText, oDlg, lEnd | CreaTag( oMeter, oText, oDlg, @lEnd ) }
MyMsgMeter( bAction,,"Wait" )
return nil
Static function CreaTag(oMeter, oText, oDlg, lEnd)
Local aDir := {}
Local aFile := {}
Local cSubDir := ""
Local cFile := ""
Local cString := ""
Local nX ,nY := 1
local nT := 1
Local aDAti := {}
Local lOk := .F.
Local cFileExt := ""
Local cRiga := ""
Local cText := + ;
'!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 1 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ; to lines/' + CRLF + ;
'!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/' + CRLF + ;
'!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /'+ CRLF + ;
'!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //'+ CRLF + ;
'!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/'+ CRLF + ;
Local cDati := cText
Local cFileDat := "c:\temp\list.tag"
Local cDir := "c:\fwh\"
Local nOutFile := 0
Local nTot := 0
MsgGet("", "Name file cTags ", @cFileDat )
MsgGet("", "Folder to scan (include subdirectoris) ", @cDir )
aDir := DIRECTORY(cDir,"D")
nOutfile := FCREATE(cFileDat, 0)
FWRITE(nOutfile, cText, len(cText))
FOR nX := 1 to len(aDir)
IF aDir[nX,5] == "D"
cSubDir := cDir + aDir[nX,1] + "\"
aFile := DIRECTORY(cSubdir)
FOR nY := 1 to len(aFile)
cFile := aFile[nY,1]
IF cFileExt(cFile) == "PRG"
oMeter2:nTotal:= nTot
nTot := 1
For nX := 1 to len(aDir)
IF aDir[nX,5] == "D"
cSubDir := cDir + aDir[nX,1] + "\"
aFile := DIRECTORY(cSubdir)
for nY := 1 to len(aFile)
cFile := aFile[nY,1]
IF cFileExt(cFile) == "PRG"
oMeter:cText := cSubDir + "\" + cFile + " " + str(nX) + str(len(aDir))
cDati := ScriviFile(cSubdir + cFile,oMeter)
FWRITE(nOutfile, cDati, len(cDati))
oMeter2:Set(nTot )
oMeter2:cText := str(nTot)+ "/" + str(oMeter2:nTotal)
IF lEnd
return nil
return .t.
Static function ScriviFile(cFileExt,oMeter)
Local cFile := ""
Local nX := 0
Local nT := 1
Local cString := ""
Local lOk := .F.
Local cDati := ""
cString := MEMOREAD(cFileExt)
nT := MLCOUNT(cString,254)
oMeter:nTotal := nT
for nX := 1 TO nT
lOk := .F.
cFile := UPPER(memoline(cString,254,nX))
IF at("FUNCTION",cFile) > 0
cFile := STRTRAN(cFile, "FUNCTION", "")
cFile := STRTRAN(cFile, "STATIC", "")
lOk := .T.
if Lok ==.f.
IF at("METHOD",cFile) > 0
IF at("CLASS",cFile) > 0
cFile := STRTRAN(cFile, "METHOD", "")
lOk := .T.
IF lOk
cFile := STRTRAN(cFile, " ", "")
cFile := SUBSTR(cFile,1,AT("(",cFile)-1)
cFile += chr(9) + cFileExt + chr(9) + alltrim(str(nX))
cDati += cFile + CRLF
oMeter:Set(nX )
Return cDati
function MyMsgMeter( bAction, cMsg, cTitle )
local oDlg, oMeter, oText, oBtn, oFont
local lEnd := .f., lCancel := .f.
local nVal,nVal2 := 0
DEFAULT bAction := { || nil },;
cMsg := "Processing...", cTitle := "Please, wait"
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME GetSysFont() SIZE 0, -8
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5, 5 TO 13, 45 TITLE cTitle FONT oFont
@ 0.2, 0.5 SAY oText VAR cMsg SIZE 130, 10 OF oDlg
@ 1, 0.5 METER oMeter VAR nVal TOTAL 10 SIZE 150, 10 OF oDlg
@ 2, 0.5 METER oMeter2 VAR nVal2 TOTAL 10 SIZE 150, 10 OF oDlg
@ 2.2, 10.4 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "&Cancel" OF oDlg ;
ACTION ( lEnd:= .t., lCancel:= .t. ) SIZE 32, 11
oDlg:bStart = { || Eval( bAction, oMeter, oText, oDlg, @lEnd, oBtn ),;
lEnd := .t., oDlg:End() }
return lCancel
- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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