I have this xbrowse with an array
when I modify 4th column and the string is "45" i can insert only 2 space
how I can resolve ?
I made
- Code: Select all Expand view
:bPastEof := { || AddRow( oBrwFilter ) }
:bKeyDown := { |nKey| If( nKey == VK_DELETE, DeleteRow( oBrwFilter ), ;
If( nKey == VK_INSERT, InsertRow( oBrwFilter ), ;
nil ) ) }
:aCols[1]:nEditType := EDIT_LISTBOX
:aCols[1]:aEditListTxt := acOperators
:aCols[2]:nEditType := EDIT_LISTBOX
:aCols[2]:aEditListTxt := aTitulos
:aCols[3]:nEditType := EDIT_LISTBOX
:aCols[3]:aEditListTxt := acOpRelacion
:aCols[4]:nEditType := EDIT_GET
:lRecordSelector := .f.
:lHScroll := .f.
:lVScroll := .f.
for the first column I wish it not show the listbox when is the first line of array
this not run
:aCols[1]:bEditBlock := { |r,c,oCol|IIF(!oBrwFilter:nArrayAt = 1, MsgInfo("Non puoi")) }
for the 4th column I have problem because I cannot insert more characters