WebView background first turns black

WebView background first turns black

Postby Otto » Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:11 pm

Hello friends,
WebView: The background of the HTML window when displaying PDFs first turns black, then light gray; for image files, it is black; for txt or xml files, the entire window width is used.


I have now found a workaround.
I use a SAY and take the window handle from the SAY for the WebView2.
I initialize the SAY outside the visible area.
A timer is created that changes the position of the SAY object after a specified time period.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: WebView background first turns black

Postby Otto » Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:31 am

mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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