GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
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GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
When I ask for the desktop windows on my dual monitor system I get the main monitor by GetWndRect( GetDesktopWindows() ). Is there a way to the the second or n monitors as well. I am trying to display multiple dialogs across the screens for a scheduling app and need to know how far I can go to the right.
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
- Antonio Linares
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
Dear Byron,
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
EnumDisplayMonitors( { | nMonitor, hMonitor, hdcMonitor, lPrimary, aMonitorRect, aMonitorRectInfo, aWorkRect | ;
XBrowser( { "nMonitor" => nMonitor,;
"hMonitor" => hMonitor,;
"hdcMonitor" => hdcMonitor,;
"lPrimary" => lPrimary,;
"aMonitorRect" => aMonitorRect,;
"aMonitorRectInfo" => aMonitorRectInfo,;
"aWorkRect" => aWorkRect } ), .T. } ) // .T. continue to next monitor
return nil
#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbapiitm.h>
static int iMonitorCount;
static BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData )
if( iMonitorCount >= MAX_MONITORS )
return FALSE; // Stop enumeration if we've reached the maximum
mi.cbSize = sizeof( MONITORINFOEX );
if( GetMonitorInfo( hMonitor, ( LPMONITORINFO ) &mi ) )
PHB_ITEM pMonitorCount = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, ++iMonitorCount );
PHB_ITEM pHandleMonitor = hb_itemPutPtr( NULL, hMonitor );
PHB_ITEM phdcMonitor = hb_itemPutPtr( NULL, hdcMonitor );
PHB_ITEM prctMonitor = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 );
PHB_ITEM pIsPrimary = hb_itemPutL( NULL, ( mi.dwFlags & MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY) != 0 );
PHB_ITEM prctMonitorInfo = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 );
PHB_ITEM prctWork = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorLeft = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, lprcMonitor->left );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorTop = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, lprcMonitor->top );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorBottom = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, lprcMonitor->bottom );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorRight = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, lprcMonitor->right );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorInfoLeft = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcMonitor.left );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorInfoTop = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorInfoBottom = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcMonitor.bottom );
PHB_ITEM pMonitorInfoRight = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcMonitor.right );
PHB_ITEM pWorkLeft = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcWork.left );
PHB_ITEM pWorkTop = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, );
PHB_ITEM pWorkBottom = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcWork.bottom );
PHB_ITEM pWorkRight = hb_itemPutNL( NULL, mi.rcWork.right );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitor, 1, pMonitorLeft );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitor, 2, pMonitorTop );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitor, 3, pMonitorBottom );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitor, 4, pMonitorRight );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitorInfo, 1, pMonitorInfoLeft );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitorInfo, 2, pMonitorInfoTop );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitorInfo, 3, pMonitorInfoBottom );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctMonitorInfo, 4, pMonitorInfoRight );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctWork, 1, pWorkLeft );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctWork, 2, pWorkTop );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctWork, 3, pWorkBottom );
hb_itemArrayPut( prctWork, 4, pWorkRight );
hb_evalBlock( ( PHB_ITEM ) dwData, pMonitorCount, pHandleMonitor, phdcMonitor, pIsPrimary, prctMonitor,
prctMonitorInfo, prctWork, NULL );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorLeft );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorTop );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorBottom );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorRight );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorInfoLeft );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorInfoTop );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorInfoBottom );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorInfoRight );
hb_itemRelease( pWorkLeft );
hb_itemRelease( pWorkTop );
hb_itemRelease( pWorkBottom );
hb_itemRelease( pWorkRight );
hb_itemRelease( prctWork );
hb_itemRelease( prctMonitorInfo );
hb_itemRelease( prctMonitor );
hb_itemRelease( pIsPrimary );
hb_itemRelease( phdcMonitor );
hb_itemRelease( pHandleMonitor );
hb_itemRelease( pMonitorCount );
return hb_parl( -1 ); // .T. continue enumeration
iMonitorCount = 0;
hb_retl( EnumDisplayMonitors( NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, ( LPARAM ) hb_param( 1, HB_IT_BLOCK ) ) );
#pragma ENDDUMP
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
Mr. Rao told me to try FW_VirtualScreen(), but I don't know if it works for more than two screens (I only have 2) . However I cannot successfully link my app with EnumDisplayMonitors() the linker can't find it. I did find several mentions of this function when googling the WinAPI for multiple monitors.
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
- Antonio Linares
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
I have edited my previous answer with an example to test, thanks
- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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- Antonio Linares
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
Please let me know if it helps you or if you need something else.
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
Works perfectly. Do you know the difference between aWorkRect vs (aMonitorRectInfo or aMonitorRect), this is more like what I saw on line I just had no idea how to implement the code. Thanks,
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
I have this example of monitor information, but I don't know how to use it. Currently it displays and xbrowse window, how do I just get the information in an array so I can utilize it later. Don't need the xbrowse dialog.
Function Antonio()
EnumDisplayMonitors( { | nMonitor, hMonitor, hdcMonitor, lPrimary, aMonitorRect, aMonitorRectInfo, aWorkRect | XBrowser(
{ "nMonitor" => nMonitor,;
"hMonitor" => hMonitor,;
"hdcMonitor" => hdcMonitor,;
"lPrimary" => lPrimary,;
"aMonitorRect" => aMonitorRect,;
"aMonitorRectInfo" => aMonitorRectInfo,;
"aWorkRect" => aWorkRect } ), .T. } ) // .T. continue to next monitor
return nil
Function Antonio()
EnumDisplayMonitors( { | nMonitor, hMonitor, hdcMonitor, lPrimary, aMonitorRect, aMonitorRectInfo, aWorkRect | XBrowser(
{ "nMonitor" => nMonitor,;
"hMonitor" => hMonitor,;
"hdcMonitor" => hdcMonitor,;
"lPrimary" => lPrimary,;
"aMonitorRect" => aMonitorRect,;
"aMonitorRectInfo" => aMonitorRectInfo,;
"aWorkRect" => aWorkRect } ), .T. } ) // .T. continue to next monitor
return nil
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
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Re: GetDesktopWindow() on dual monitor system.
I think I got it, I needed to refer to the hash variables h["nMonitor"] instead of h:nMonitor. Now I got my numbers. And life is good again.
Thanks again Antonio.
Thanks again Antonio.
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
- Antonio Linares
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