I verified the topic that you he suggested, I identified some functions for the treatment of messages, but I did not understand as they can help me !
Standard events:
The control supports these standard events: Click, Double click, Got Focus, and Lost Focus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp. The KeyDown, KeyPress and KeyUp event take one integer parameter which passes the value of the key code.
KeyPress event is not an internal TE message (it is only an ActiveX message), it would not be routed to the callback message. The KeyPress event takes only one parameter which is the keyvalue for the keystroke. So nKey1 should be the numeric key values.
If your application lets you define callback function, then you can use the TerRegisterMsgCallback function to register your callback function. TE would then route the internal TE messages to the callback function. The callback function should have the following prototypes:
LRESULT WINAPI _export TerCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
Also, since KeyPress event is not an internal TE message (it is only an ActiveX message), it would not be routed to the callback message. You can instead use the PreProcess event for this purpose.
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