nEchoPort := ::nPortNo+::nPortNo / 100
Do While .t.
::oEchoSocket := tsocket():New(nEchoPort)
If ::oEchoSocket:lStartOK
::oEchoSocket:bAccept := {| oSocket | ::EchoAccept(oSocket:nSocket)}
If !::oEchoSocket:Listen()
::Error("Monitor Listening socket error " + NTRIM(wsagetlasterror()))
return nil
METHOD Echoaccept(pnSocket) CLASS qReceive
Local oSocket := nil
oSocket := tsocket():Accept(pnSocket)
oSocket:bRead := {| poSocket |::EchoRead(poSocket)}
oSocket:bWrite := {| poSocket |::EchoWrite(poSocket)}
oSocket:bClose := {| poSocket |::EchoClose(poSocket)}
::Error("Listener joined from "+oSocket:Clientip(), False)
aadd(::aaEchoSocket, {oSocket, 0, ,""}) // For flags and data
oSocket:SendData("Welcome listener from "+oSocket:Clientip()+CRLF)
Return nil
SylRob wrote:Good Morning Everyone,
IT's been a long time, isn't !
Ok here is a my question, is it possible to know the Remote client IP adress when the connection goes through a ROUTER. I know that the complete ROUTE is in the TCP/IP packet. Can someone point me to the right direction,
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Patrick Mast wrote:SylRob wrote:Good Morning Everyone,
IT's been a long time, isn't !
Ok here is a my question, is it possible to know the Remote client IP adress when the connection goes through a ROUTER. I know that the complete ROUTE is in the TCP/IP packet. Can someone point me to the right direction,
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Hey Mate!
Glad to see you here!
I use my server to receive the user's IP address. I have a small web site that just printts the user's IP address. Works all the time
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