linux gcc compiler error help me.

linux gcc compiler error help me.

Postby yunbg1 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:42 am

Hi Antonio.

This code is test.
The compiler the error petty to catch
Can you make a file ?

lib, include file send to email.

Can you library additional method and which it will make the possibility of decreasing it is?

Thank you.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

FUNC Main()

loca oWnd, oBrw

DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Testing Browses" SIZE 522, 317

   @ 28,  2 BUTTON "_Ok" OF oWnd ACTION msginfo(TTIME())
   @ 28, 10 BUTTON "_Exit" OF oWnd ACTION oWnd:End()
   @ 28, 28 BUTTON "_Test" OF oWnd ACTION OPEN_PORT1(oWnd:hWnd, "testtetetete")
   @ 28, 46 BUTTON "_Port" OF oWnd ACTION TEST()



#include <hbapi.h>
//#include <hbdefs.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <termios.h>

#include <fmp.h>

#define PLAYING 1
#define PAUSED 0

#define FMPE_OK                           0x00000000    /* No error */
#define FMPF_DVD         6 /* DVD demux */
#define NO_DRIVE         0xFF   /* No DVD-ROM drive */

int peek = -1;
struct termios orig, new;


     struct tm *tm_ptr;
     int i;
     char sm[50];
     time_t the_time;

     (void) time(&the_time);
      tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time);
      sprintf(sm, "%02d:%02d:%02d", tm_ptr->tm_hour, tm_ptr->tm_min, tm_ptr->tm_sec);


   int fd;
   int streamtype;
   int bytesread=1,rc=FMPE_OK;
   int buf, playfile_state;
   int b_stopit = 0, b_getoutofit = 0;


   FMPOpen(streamtype,32*1024,10, NULL, 0);


   GtkWidget * hWnd, * hWndParent = NULL;
   hWnd = hb_parnl(1);


   if( gtk_window_list_toplevels() )
      hWndParent = gtk_window_list_toplevels()->data;

   hWnd = gtk_message_dialog_new( GTK_WINDOW( hWndParent ),
                                                     GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, hb_parc(2) );

   gtk_window_set_transient_for( GTK_WINDOW( hWnd ), GTK_WINDOW( hWndParent ) );

   gtk_window_set_policy( GTK_WINDOW( hWnd ), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE );
   gtk_window_set_position( GTK_WINDOW( hWnd ), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER );

   gtk_dialog_run( GTK_DIALOG( hWnd ) );
   gtk_widget_destroy( hWnd );


#pragma ENDDUMP

this code is RMPLAYFILE ->Makefile

Code: Select all  Expand view



ifeq ($(COMPILKIND),release)

LDFLAGS+=$(LDEBUG) $(LIBDIR) -lpthread

progs = playfile.o

playfile: $(progs) ../lib/
   $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -lEM84xx $(progs) -o $@
ifeq ($(COMPILKIND),release)
   strip $@

   $(RM) $(progs) *~ playfile

this code is RMPLAYFILE ->playfile.c code

Code: Select all  Expand view


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <termios.h>

#include "fmp.h"

#define PLAYING 1
#define PAUSED 0

int peek = -1;
struct termios orig, new;

void open_port()
    if (tcgetattr(0,&orig)==-1)
        printf("Could not tcgetattr");

    new = orig;
    /* settings for raw mode */
    new.c_lflag     &= ~ICANON;
    new.c_lflag     &= ~ECHO;
    new.c_lflag     &= ~ISIG;
    new.c_cc[VMIN]  =  1;
    new.c_cc[VTIME] =  0;
    if (tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&new)==-1)
        printf("Could not tcsetattr");

void close_port()
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &orig);
int kbhit()
    char ch;
    int  nread;

    if(peek != -1) return 1;

    new.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new);
    nread = read(0, &ch, 1);
    new.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new);

    if(nread == 1)
        peek = ch;
        return 1;

    return 0;

int readch()
    char ch;

    if(peek != -1)
        ch   = peek;
        peek = -1;
        return ch;

    read(0, &ch, 1);
    return ch;

DWORD setOutputMode(DWORD newvgatv)
  DWORD vgatv;
  vgatv = FMPGet(FMPI_VIDEOOUT);
  vgatv = vgatv  & (~FMPV_VIDEOOUT_MODE_MASK);
  vgatv = vgatv | newvgatv;
  return FMPSet(FMPI_VIDEOOUT, vgatv);

int main(int argc,char **argv)
   int fd;
   int streamtype;
   int bytesread=1,rc=FMPE_OK;
   int buf, playfile_state;
   int b_stopit = 0, b_getoutofit = 0;

   if (argc!=3) {
         "Syntax is playfile <streamtype> <filename>\n"
         "<streamtype -> t (transport) d (dvd)   s (system)\n"
         "               p (program)   v (video) m (mpeg audio) a (mpeg2 ac3)>\n"
         "Example: ./playfile s /samplempeg/movie.mpg\n"
         "During the file playing use your keyboard:\n"
         " 'r' to rewind from the beginning,\n"
         " 'q' to stop, close and exit propely.\n"

   switch (argv[1][0]) {
   case 't':
   case 'd':
   case 's':
   case 'p':
   case 'v':
   case 'm':
   case 'a':

             "Syntax is playfile <streamtype> <filename>\n"
             "<streamtype -> t (transport) d (dvd)   s (system)\n"
             "               p (program)   v (video) m (mpeg audio) a (mpeg2 ac3)>\n"
             "Example: ./playfile s /samplempeg/movie.mpg\n"
             "During the file playing use your keyboard:\n"
             " 'r' to rewind from the beginning,\n"
             " 'q' to stop, close and exit propely.\n"

   FMPOpen(streamtype,32*1024,10, NULL, 0);

   if (fd==-1) {
      perror("open failed");

   playfile_state = PLAYING;
   while (rc==FMPE_OK && !b_getoutofit) {
      while (bytesread && !b_stopit) {
         FMP_BUFFER FMPBuf;
         static int count=0;
             buf = readch();
               case 'r':
            b_stopit = 1;
            fprintf(stdout,">> Rewind ...\n");
               case 'q':
            b_stopit = 1;
            b_getoutofit = 1;
         // get a pointer to a free buffer
         rc = FMPGetBuffer (&FMPBuf, TRUE);
         if (rc != FMPE_OK) {
            printf ("FMPError : %s\n", FMPGetLastError(rc));
         // signals can cause harmless EINTR
         while (((bytesread=read(fd,FMPBuf.pBuffer,FMPBuf.dwBufferSize))==-1)
         if (bytesread==-1) bytesread=0;
         // the buffer is ready to be queued
         FMPPush (&FMPBuf);
#define ONEEVERY 20         
         if (count%ONEEVERY==0) printf("PTS %ld / STC %ld\n",
                        FMPGet (FMPI_PTS),
                        FMPGet (FMPI_STC));   
        b_stopit = 0;
      lseek (fd,0,SEEK_SET);
   fprintf(stdout,">>Exited from playing loop !\n");
   close (fd);
   fprintf(stdout,">>Driver is closed !\n");

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Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:57 pm

We are reviewing it,

we provide you an answer asap,
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:01 am

We need fmp.h, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Postby yunbg1 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:04 am

Antonio Linares wrote:We need fmp.h, thanks

Code: Select all  Expand view
#ifndef __FMP_h__
#define __FMP_h__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{

*   Sigma Designs
*   Copyright 1998 Sigma Designs, Inc.

#define _MAX_STRING_   256

typedef unsigned long   DWORD;
typedef long       LONG;
typedef unsigned short   WORD;
typedef unsigned char   BYTE;
typedef int      BOOL;

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#endif // TRUE

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#endif // FALSE

#ifdef _UNICODE_
typedef unsigned short         TCHAR;
typedef char         TCHAR;
#endif // _UNICODE_

#ifdef _BARBADOS_
typedef unsigned long long ULONGLONG;

#endif // _DEFINE_FMP_TYPES_

// Callback definition
typedef DWORD (*PFMPCALLBACK) (DWORD dwContext, DWORD dwMsg, DWORD dwValue);

typedef struct tagFMP_BUFFER{
   BYTE  *pBuffer;         // Address of the buffer      
   DWORD  dwBufferSize;    // Size of the buffer
   DWORD  dwDataSize;      // Size of valid data in the buffer
   DWORD  dwFlags;         // Flags
   DWORD  dwFlagsEx;      // Extended flags
   DWORD  pReserved[8];    // Reserved

//@struct FMP_OPENSTRUCT | Parameter sent to the Graph Manager upon opening
typedef struct tagFMP_OPENSTRUCT{
   DWORD         dwStructSize;   // @field Size of the structure
   DWORD         dwFlags;      // @field Open Flag
                           // @flag FMPF_TRANSPORT | Transport stream demux
                           // @flag  FMPF_SYSTEM   | System stream demux
                           // @flag FMPF_PROGRAM     | Program stream demux
                           // @flag FMPF_VIDEO       | Video stream (MPEG1/MPEG2)
                           // @flag FMPF_MPEG_AUDIO  | MPEG Audio stream
                           // @flag FMPF_AC3         | AC3 Audio stream
                           // @flag FMPF_DVD         | DVD demux
                           // @flag FMPF_SVCD        | VCD/SVCD demux
                           // @flag FMPF_DISCPLAYBACK  0xFFFFFFFF |

   DWORD         dwSize;         // @field Size of buffers
   DWORD         dwCount;      // @field Number of buffers
   PFMPCALLBACK   pCallback;      // @field FMP Callback
   DWORD         dwContext;      // @field Callback context
   BYTE         bDriverNumber;   // @field Driver Number
   TCHAR*         sFileName;      // @field File Name
   BYTE         bFileSystem;   // @field disk data access method
                           // @flag SYS_ACCESS | using the OS function
                           // @flag UDF_ACCESS | using UDF
                           // @flag ISO_ACCESS | using ISO9660
   BYTE         bDiscContent;   // @field Disc Content (returned by the driver)
                           // @flag FMPC_DVD_VIDEO   | DVD Video Disc
                           // @flag FMPC_VCD      | Video CD Disc
                           // @flag FMPC_SVCD      | Super Video CD Disc


// FMP Message Structure
typedef struct tagFMPmsg{
   DWORD   dwCommand;
   DWORD   dwArg1;
   DWORD   dwArg2;
   DWORD   dwArg3;
   DWORD   dwArg4;
   DWORD   dwArg5;
   BYTE   pBuffer[sizeof (FMP_OPENSTRUCT) + _MAX_STRING_];

// Open flags
#define FMPF_TRANSPORT      0 /* Transport stream demux. */
#define FMPF_SYSTEM         1 /* System stream demux */
#define FMPF_PROGRAM      2 /* Program stream demux */
#define FMPF_VIDEO         3 /* Video stream (MPEG1/MPEG2) */
#define FMPF_MPEG_AUDIO      4 /* MPEG Audio stream */
#define FMPF_AC3         5 /* AC3 Audio stream */
#define FMPF_DVD         6 /* DVD demux */
#define FMPF_SVCD         7 /* SVCD/VCD demux */
#define FMPF_CDDA         8 /* CDDA demux */
#define FMPF_DRIVEPOLLING   9 /* minimum graphmanager for Drive polling only */
#define FMPF_PES         10 /* pes stream support */
#define FMPF_AAC_CELP      11 /* AAC CELP stream support */
#define FMPF_PES_MPEG4      12 /* MPEG4 PES stream support */


// Disc Content flags
#define FMPC_DVD_VIDEO      0 /* DVD Video Disc */
#define FMPC_VCD      1 /* Video CD Disc */
#define FMPC_SVCD      2 /* Super Video CD Disc */
#define FMPC_CDDA      4 /* CD audio */
#define FMPC_UNSUPPORTED   0xFE    /* namely, CDI and HQVCD */
#define FMPC_UNKNOWN      0xFF    /* for error management purpose */

// Tray management constant
#define FMPT_TRAYCHECK   10
#define FMPT_TRAYCHANGE   11
#define FMPT_TRAYCLOSE   1
#define FMPT_TRAYOPEN   0

// Used to specify the method to acces the files
#define SYS_ACCESS 0x00   
#define UDF_ACCESS 0x01
#define ISO_ACCESS 0x02

// Buffer flags
   FMP_DATADISCONTINUITY   = 0x1,      /* Data discontinuity : data loss */
   FMP_TIMEDISCONTINUITY   = 0x2,      /* PTS discontinuity */
   FMP_TRICKMODE_START     = 0x4,      /* Trick Mode Starts */
   FMP_TYPECHANGED         = 0x8,      /* Type of data has changed */
   FMP_TIMEVALID           = 0x10,      /* PTS is valid */
   FMP_ENDOFSTREAM         = 0x20,      /* End of stream */
   FMP_TRICKMODE_END       = 0x40,      /* Trick Mode Ends */
   FMP_TRICKMODE_SAMPLE   = 0x80,      /* A Trick Mode Sample */
   FMP_SVCD_TM_2X         = 0x100,   /* SVCD trick mode speed 2x */
   FMP_SVCD_TM_3X         = 0x200,   /* SVCD trick mode speed 3x */
   FMP_SVCD_TM_4X         = 0x400,   /* SVCD trick mode speed 4x */
//   FMP_SVCD_FF            = 0x800,
   FMP_SVCD_FR            = 0x1000,
   FMP_SVCD_AUTOPAUSE      = 0x2000,
   FMP_SVCD_SEQ_HDR      = 0x4000,
   FMP_SVCD_UPDATE_PTS_REF   = 0x8000,

   FMP_TRICKMODE_DVD      = 0x10000,
   FMP_SEEKINGOP_DVD      = 0x20000,
   FMP_SVCD_CDDA_TRACK   = 0x40000 /* CDDA track on the VCD disk */


// flags for the dwFlagsEx field in the FMP_BUFFER structure
   FMP_VIDEO_PES      = 0x1,
   FMP_AUDIO_PES      = 0x2,
   FMP_DVD_AUDIO_PES   = 0x4

#define   FMP_SVCD_FLAGS      (0x0000FF80)
#define FMP_DVD_FLAGS      (0x00010000)

// DriverNumber :
#define PRIMARY_MASTER      0x00   /* Drive is primary master */
#define SECONDARY_MASTER   0x02   /* Drive is secondary master */
#define NO_DRIVE         0xFF   /* No DVD-ROM drive */

DWORD MPEGPowerOn (BYTE bDriverNumber);
DWORD MPEGPowerOff (void);

// Init MPEG driver
DWORD MPEGDriverEntry (BYTE bDriverNumber);

// Prepare to Unload the driver
DWORD MPEGDriverUnload (void);

// Open the MPEG driver (Push Mode)
DWORD FMPOpen (DWORD dwflags, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwCount, PFMPCALLBACK pCallback, DWORD dwContext);

// Open the MPEG driver (Disc Playback)

// Close the MPEG driver
DWORD FMPClose (void);

// Give version and copyright information
DWORD FMPAbout( TCHAR* sVersion, TCHAR* sDate, TCHAR *sCopyright );

// Close a MPEG file and get ready to play another one
DWORD FMPCloseFile(void);

// Stop playing a MPEG file and get ready to restart playing it at its beginning
DWORD FMPStopFile(void);

// Really play a MPEG file
DWORD FMPPlayFile(char *);

// Start MPEG playback
DWORD FMPPlay (void);

// Stop MPEG playback
DWORD FMPStop (void);

// Pause MPEG playback
DWORD FMPPause (void);

// Flush internal FIFOs of the driver

// Get a buffer from the memory manager
DWORD FMPGetBuffer (PFMP_BUFFER pBuffer, BOOL bBlockingCall);

// Push buffer into driver

// Get & Set
DWORD FMPSet (DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue);

// set,get properties for Hwlib using rm84cmn.h
#include "rm84cmn.h"
DWORD FMPProperty(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwPropSet, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwPropFlags, void* pPropData, DWORD dwPropSizeIn, DWORD* pdwPropSizeOut);

// change the video port output dimensions
DWORD FMPSetVideoPortDimensions (DWORD Width, DWORD Height);

// Queries for a specific interface
// this interface is valid between FMPOpen and FMPClose
DWORD FMPQueryInterface (DWORD InterfaceId, void **ppv);
#include "ifmp.h"

// Picture Placement
DWORD FMPSetVisibleSource (DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwcX, DWORD dwcY);
DWORD FMPSetDestination (DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwcX, DWORD dwcY);
DWORD FMPEnableOverlay (DWORD dwEnable);
DWORD FMPEnableFullScreen (DWORD dwEnable);

// Bitmap operation
DWORD FMPEnableOSD (DWORD dwEnable);
DWORD FMPShowBitmap (DWORD dwBitMap, DWORD dwAlphaBlendingFactor, DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwcX, DWORD dwcY);

// Disc operations
DWORD FMPEjectDisc (void);
DWORD FMPLoadDisc (void);
DWORD FMPIsDiscLoaded(void);
DWORD FMPTrayOperation( DWORD dwFMPTAction);

// Get Last Error
const char* FMPGetLastError (DWORD dwError);

* DVD Functions

//Play a Title by Title number
DWORD TitlePlay (DWORD dwTitleNumber);

//Play from the beginning of a chapter specified by the Title number and the chapter number
DWORD ChapterPlay(BYTE bTitleNumber, WORD wChapterNumber);

//Play from the specified position of the Title by the Title number and Time
DWORD TimePlay(BYTE bTitleNumber, TCHAR* sTime);

//This command stops the current presentation and starts presentation from the specified position
//of the title by Time within the same title.
DWORD TimeSearch(TCHAR* sTime);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning of PTT (Part_of_Title)
//specified by PTT numbers within the same Title.
DWORD ChapterSearch(WORD wChapterNumber);

//Stop the execution of the current Program Chain and play the GoUp Program Chain
//(specified in the current Program Chain)
DWORD GoUp(void);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning
//of previous Program within the same Program Chain (PGC).
DWORD PrevPGSearch(void);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning
//of the current Program within the same PGC.
DWORD TopPGSearch (void);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning
//of the next Program within the same PGC.
DWORD NextPGSearch (void);

//The operation to scan play at the specified Speed.
//This user function includes scan play and slow playback for forward navigation
//at any speed (expect normal speed).
DWORD ForwardScan (WORD wSpeed, BOOL bFast);

//The operation to scan play at the specified Speed.
//This user function includes scan play and slow playback for backward navigation
//at any speed (expect normal speed).
DWORD BackwardScan (WORD wSpeed, BOOL bFast);

//Call the Menu in the Program Chain (PGC).
DWORD MenuCall (BYTE bMenuID);

//This operation returns from the Menu-space
DWORD Resume(void);

//This operation stops play for later resume of play
DWORD StopForResume(void);

//DVD Query attributes
DWORD DVDQueryAttribute(DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwArg);

//Select the Buttons on the Menu Screen.
DWORD UpperButtonSelect(void);
DWORD LowerButtonSelect(void);
DWORD LeftButtonSelect(void);
DWORD RightButtonSelect(void);

//Activate the current Highlighted Button.
DWORD ButtonActivate(void);

//Activate the specified Highlighted Button.
DWORD ButtonSelectAndActivate(BYTE bButton);

//Operation to release Still.
DWORD StillOff(void);

//Pause the presentation.
DWORD PauseOn(void);

//Set the stream number of the Sub-Picture and whether the sub-picture is displayed or not.
DWORD SubPictureStreamChange (BYTE bStreamNumber, BOOL bDisplayFlag);

//Set the Stream number of the Audio.
DWORD AudioStreamChange (BYTE bStreamNumber);

//Select the language for System Menu according to the Language Code
DWORD MenuLanguageSelect (WORD dwCode);

//In Angle Block, change the Angle
DWORD AngleChange (BYTE bAngleNumber);

//Set the Parental Level
DWORD ParentalLevelSelect (BYTE bParentalLevel);

//Set the Country Code for Parental Management
DWORD ParentalCountrySelect (DWORD dwCountryCode);

//Change the mode of Audio Mixing mode for Karaoke.
DWORD KaraokeAudioPresentationMode (DWORD dwMode);

//Start or stop title repeat
DWORD RepeatTitle(void);

//Start of stop chapter repeat
DWORD RepeatChapter(void);

//Start AB repeat
DWORD RepeatAB(void);

//Clear Repeat AB;
DWORD ClearRepeatAB(void);

//Store bookmark
DWORD StoreBookmark(void *pBookmark);

//Resume playback from bookmark
DWORD ResumeBookmark(void *pBookmark);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning
//of the return play item.
DWORD ReturnPGSearch (void);

//Stop the current presentation and start the presentation from the beginning
//of the default play item.
DWORD DefaultPGSearch (void);

// For VCD button selection
DWORD NumericSelections (BYTE sel);

// Fastforward (VCD and DVD)
DWORD FastForward (BYTE bSpeed);

// Rewind (VCD and DVD)
DWORD Rewind (BYTE bSpeed);

// Step and pause MPEG playback
DWORD FMPStep (DWORD nFrames);

// Region Code Control
DWORD RegionCodeControl (BOOL bInit, DWORD dwArg1, DWORD dwArg2);

* CD-Audio Commands
DWORD   CDDANextTrack( void );
DWORD   CDDAPrevTrack( void );
DWORD   CDDAFastForward( DWORD dwSpeed );
DWORD   CDDARewind( DWORD dwSpeed );
#define CDDA_MODE_REPEAT_NONE      0
#define CDDA_MODE_REPEAT_DISC      2
DWORD   CDDARepeat( DWORD dwMode );
DWORD   CDDAGetNumberOfTracks( BYTE* pbTrackNumber );
DWORD   CDDAGetTrackDuration( BYTE bTrackNumber, DWORD *pbSeconds );
DWORD   CDDAGetStatus( DWORD *pdwMode, BYTE *pbTrack, DWORD *pdwSeconds );
DWORD   CDDAPlayTrack( DWORD dwTrack, DWORD dwMinutes, DWORD dwSeconds);

* Local Storage of Settings Commands
DWORD FMPWriteProfileWord(   DWORD dwKeyIndex /* key index */, DWORD wValue /* value */);
DWORD FMPGetProfileWord  (   DWORD dwKeyIndex /* key index */);

// DVD Index Keys
#define RMREG_LANGUAGECODE            0x00
#define RMREG_MENU_LANGUAGECODE       0x01
#define RMREG_USER_ASPECT_RATIO        0x05
#define RMREG_COUNTRYCODE             0x07
#define RMREG_PARENTALCONTROL         0x08
#define RMREG_PASSW_LOW_WORD          0x09
#define RMREG_PASSW_HIGH_WORD         0x0A
#define RMREG_PASSW_STATE             0x0B
#define RMREG_AUTOPLAY                0x0C
#define RMREG_PBC_OFF              0x0D
#define RMREG_MACROVISION             0x0E
#define RMREG_REGION_CODE             0x0F

#define RMREG_AUDIO_TYPE              0x10
#define RMREG_OUTPUTMODE              0x11
#define RMREG_HDTV_RES                0x12

#define RMREG_MAX                 0x13

* FMP Commands
#define FMP_DRIVERUNLOAD                0xDD   /* Unload the MPEG driver */
#define FMP_CLOSEFILE                   0xCC   /* Close the file and get ready to play another one */
#define FMP_STOPFILE                    0xBB   /* Stop Playing a File and get ready to replay at the beginning */
#define FMP_PLAYFILE                    0xAA   /* Really Play a File */
#define FMP_OPEN                        0x01   /* Open New Stream */
#define FMP_CLOSE                       0x02   /* Close Stream */
#define FMP_PLAY                        0x03   /* Play Stream */
#define FMP_PAUSE                       0x04   /* Pause Stream */
#define FMP_STOP                        0x05   /* Stop Stream */
#define FMP_SEEK                        0x06   /* Seek inside the stream */
#define FMP_STEP                        0x07   /* Step a number of frames inside the stream */
#define FMP_SET                         0x09   /* Driver Settings : set */
#define FMP_GET                         0x0A   /* Driver Settings : get */
#define FMP_PUSH                        0x0B   /* Push model : push one buffer*/
#define FMP_FLUSH                       0x0C   /* Flush all the data inside the driver */
#define FMP_GETBUFFER                   0x0D   /* Get a buffer from the driver */
#define FMP_EJECT_DISC               0x0E   /* issue an eject command to the dvdrom */
#define FMP_LOAD_DISC               0x0F   /* issue a load command to the dvdrom */
#define FMP_SHOW_BITMAP               0x10   /* show a bitmap on the screen */
#define FMP_ENABLE_OSD               0x11   /* enable osd functionality */
#define FMP_SET_SOURCE               0x12   /* set the source capture dimensions */
#define FMP_SET_VISIBLE_SOURCE         0x13   /* set the dimensions in source to be zoomed in destination*/
#define FMP_SET_DESTINATION            0x14   /* set the destination rectangle */
#define FMP_ENABLE_OVERLAY            0x15   /* enable overlay functionality */
#define FMP_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN         0x16   /* enable full screen functionality */
#define FMP_IS_DISC_LOADED            0x17   /* Test whether a Disc is present in the drive */
#define FMP_QUERY_INTERFACE             0x18   /* Query Specific interfaces*/
#define FMP_REGISTER_INTERFACE          0x19   /* Register external interface */
#define FMP_SET_VIDEOPORT_DIMENSIONS   0x1a   /* set dimensions of the output video port */
#define FMP_PROPERTY_GET            0x1b   /* get properties */
#define FMP_PROPERTY_SET            0x1c   /* get properties */
#define FMP_PROPERTY                    0x1d   /* reference to the FMPProperty() function, I need that flag. (Pascal) */
#define FMP_REGIONCONTROL               0x1e   /* Region Code Control */

#define FMP_NAV_EOS                     0x0100 /* Simulate EOS (internal function) */
#define FMP_NAV_CHECK_EOS               0x0101 /* Check if EOS is needed (internal function) */
#define FMP_NAV_AUTOPAUSE            0x0102 /* auto pause sector (SVCD) has finished */
#define FMP_NAV_COMMAND               0x0103 /* general navigation command */

#define FMP_TITLEPLAY                    0x0200 /* DVD Title Play */
#define FMP_TIME_PLAY                       0x0205 /* Time Play */
#define FMP_TIME_SEARCH                     0x0208 /* Time Search */
#define FMP_RESUME                          0x0210 /* Resume */
#define FMP_PREV_PG_SEARCH                  0x020A /* Previous Program Search */
#define FMP_NEXT_PG_SEARCH                  0x020C /* Next Program Search */
#define FMP_AST_STREAM_CHANGE               0x021B /* Audio Stream Change */
#define FMP_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE                 0x0223
#define FMP_FORWARD_SCAN                    0x020D /* Forward Scan */
#define FMP_BACKWARD_SCAN                   0x020E /* Backward Scan */
#define FMP_REPEAT_TITLE                    0x0224 /* Repeat Title */
#define FMP_REPEAT_CHAPTER                  0x0225 /* Repeat Chapter */
#define FMP_REPEAT_AB                  0x0226 /* AB Repeat */
#define FMP_CLEAR_REPEAT_AB               0x0227 /* AB Repeat */
#define FMP_STORE_BOOKMARK                  0x0228 /* Store bookmark */
#define FMP_RESUME_BOOKMARK                  0x0229 /* Restore bookmark */

#define FMP_DVD_PTT_PLAY                        0x0201 /* Chapter Play */
#define FMP_DVD_STOP                            0x0206   /* Stop */   
#define FMP_DVD_GO_UP                           0x0207 /* Go Up */
#define FMP_DVD_PTT_SEARCH                      0x0209 /* Chapter Search */
#define FMP_DVD_TOP_PG_SEARCH                   0x020B /* Top Program Search */
#define FMP_DVD_MENU_CALL                       0x020F /* Menu Call */
#define FMP_DVD_UPPER_BUTTON_SELECT             0x0211 /* Upper Button Select */
#define FMP_DVD_LOWER_BUTTON_SELECT             0x0212 /* Lower Button Select */
#define FMP_DVD_LEFT_BUTTON_SELECT              0x0213 /* Left Button Select */
#define FMP_DVD_RIGHT_BUTTON_SELECT             0x0214 /* Right Button Select */
#define FMP_DVD_BUTTON_ACTIVATE                 0x0215 /* Button Activate */
#define FMP_DVD_BUTTON_SELECT_AND_ACTIVATE      0x0216 /* Button Select and Activate */
#define FMP_DVD_STILL_OFF                       0x0217 /* Still Off */
#define FMP_DVD_MENU_LANGUAGE_SELECT            0x021A /* Menu Language Select */
#define FMP_DVD_SPST_STREAM_CHANGE              0x021C /* Subpicture Stream Change */
#define FMP_DVD_ANGLE_CHANGE                    0x021D /* Angle Change */
#define FMP_DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_SELECT           0x021F /* Parental Level Change */
#define FMP_DVD_PARENTAL_COUNTRY_SELECT         0x0220 /* Parental Country Change*/
#define FMP_DVD_KARAOKE_AUDIO_PRESENTATION      0x0221 /* Karaoke Audio Presentation change */
#define FMP_DVD_VIDEO_PRESENTATION_MODE_CHANGE  0x0222 /* Video Presentation Mode Change */

#define FMP_VCD_STOP_FOR_RESUME               0x0300
#define FMP_VCD_RETURN_PG_SEARCH                0x0306 /* VCD Return Play Item Search */
#define FMP_VCD_DEFAULT_PG_SEARCH               0x0307 /* VCD Default Play Item Search */
#define FMP_VCD_NUMERIC_SELECTIONS            0x0308 /* VCD Numeric Selection */
#define FMP_VCD_FAST_FORWARD               0x0309 /* VCD Numeric Selection */
#define FMP_VCD_REWIND                     0x030A /* VCD Numeric Selection */

#define FMP_CDDA_NEXT_TRACK                  0x0400
#define FMP_CDDA_PREV_TRACK                  0x0401
#define FMP_CDDA_TRACK_DURATION               0x0402
#define FMP_CDDA_PLAY_TRACK                  0x0403

#define FMP_WRITE_PROFILE_WORD               0x0500
#define FMP_GET_PROFILE_WORD               0x0501

#define FMP_ANALOG_OVERLAY                  0x10000000 /* Analog Overlay */

#define FMP_EXTENDED_CMD_MASK               0xF0000000 /* Extended commands mask */
#define FMP_EXTENDED_SUBCMD_MASK            0x0FFFFFFF /* Extended subcommands mask */

// FMP Errors
#define FMPE_OK                           0x00000000    /* No error */
#define FMPE_ERROR                        0xFFFFFFFF   /* Error : use getLastError to get the Error code */
#define FMPE_DRIVER_OPEN                  0x00000001    /* Driver Already Open (FMPOpen) */
#define FMPE_DRIVER_NOT_OPEN              0x00000002    /* Driver Not Open (FMPClose) */
#define FMPE_CANNOT_OPEN_DRIVER           0x00000003    /* Cannot open the MPEG driver */
#define FMPE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY            0x00000004    /* No more memory available */
#define FMPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED              0x00000005    /* This function is not implemented */
#define FMPE_INVALID_INDEX                0x00000006    /* Invalid Index (settings)*/
#define FMPE_READ_ONLY                    0x00000007    /* Read Only settings */
#define FMPE_PUSH_WHILE_STOPPED           0x00000008    /* Pushing data in Stopped state */
#define FMPE_INVALID_PARAMETER            0x00000009    /* Invalid Parameter */
#define FMPE_NO_MPEG_SERVER               0x0000000A    /* No MPEG Server is running*/
#define FMPE_NO_ANALOG_OVERLAY_CAPABILITY 0x0000000B   /* No Analog Overlay */
#define FMPE_INVALID_STREAM_TYPE          0x0000000C   /* This function does not support the current stream type */

#define FMPE_ENTRY_MOD_INIT_FAILED        0x0000000D    /* MPEGDriverEntry Failed : Module loader failed to initialize */
#define FMPE_ENTRY_HWL_INIT_FAILED        0x0000000E    /* MPEGDriverEntry Failed : Failed to create MPEG Hardware driver*/
#define FMPE_ENTRY_DVDDEV_INIT_FAILED     0x0000000F    /* MPEGDriverEntry Failed : Failed to create DVD-ROM device driver*/

#define FMPE_CDDA_FAILURE                 0x00000010    /* CDDANextTrack : Failure or end of disk has been reached (or beginning)*/

#define FMPE_UNEXPECTED                 0x00000011    /* Unexpected unknown errors for VCD and SVCD */
#define FMPE_DISABLED                     0x00000012    /* The function is currently is disabled */
#define FMPE_INVALIDARG                   0x00000013    /* The list offset requested is out of range */
#define FMPE_TIMERACTIVATED               0x00000014    /* The timer has been activated */
#define FMPE_FAILURE                      0x00000015    /* For VCD and SVCD failure */
* FMP Settings
#define FMPI_TRICKMODE                  0x00000001
#define FMPI_STC                        0x00000002
#define FMPI_PTS                        0x00000003
#define FMPI_AUDIO_COUNT                0x00000004
#define FMPI_AUDIO_SELECT               0x00000005
#define FMPI_NPT_REFERENCE            0x00000006
#define FMPI_STC_REFERENCE            0x00000007
#define FMPI_BRIGHTNESS               0x00000008
#define FMPI_SATURATION               0x00000009
#define FMPI_CONTRAST               0x0000000A

#define FMPI_LEFT_VOLUME            0x0000000B
#define FMPI_RIGHT_VOLUME            0x0000000C
#define FMPI_MUTE                  0x0000000D
#define FMPI_AUDIO_OUTPUT            0x0000000E
#define FMPI_AUDIO_MODE               0x0000000F
#define FMPI_AUDIO_VCXO               0x00000010

#define FMPI_VIDEOOUT               0x00000011
#define FMPI_SOURCE_WINDOW            0x00000012
#define FMPI_VISIBLE_SOURCE_WINDOW      0x00000013
#define FMPI_DESTINATION_WINDOW         0x00000014
#define FMPI_OVERLAY_FLAGS            0x00000015
#define FMPI_VIDEO_SPEED            0x00000016
#define FMPI_VIDEOPORT_WINDOW         0x00000017
#define FMPI_VIDEOASPECT            0x00000018
#define FMPI_AUDIO_SPEED            0x00000019

#define FMPI_DISC_TYPE               0x00001001

#define   FMPI_ANGLES_AVAILABLE           0x00001002
#define   FMPI_AUDIO_STREAMS_AVAILABLE   0x00001003 
#define   FMPI_BUTTONS_AVAILABLE         0x00001004 
#define   FMPI_CAN_SCAN               0x00001005 
#define   FMPI_CAN_SEEK               0x00001006   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_ANGLE            0x00001007   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_AUDIO_STREAM      0x00001008   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_BUTTON            0x00001009   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_CHAPTER         0x0000100A   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_DOMAIN            0x0000100B   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_POSITION         0x0000100C   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_SUBPICT_STREAM      0x0000100D   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_TIME            0x0000100E   
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_TITLE            0x0000100F   
#define   FMPI_SUBPICTURE_ON            0x00001010   
#define   FMPI_TITLES_AVAILABLE         0x00001012   
#define   FMPI_TOTAL_TITLE_TIME         0x00001013   
#define FMPI_CURRENT_SPEED            0x00001014

#define   FMPI_SVCD_TRICK_MODE         0x00002000
#define   FMPI_CURRENT_TRACK            0x00002001
#define   FMPI_SVCD_DISCONTINUITY         0x00002002
#define   FMPI_SVCD_CURRENT_VOLUME      0x00002003
#define   FMPI_SVCD_VOLUMES_AVAILABLE      0x00002004
#define   FMPI_TRACKS_AVAILABLE         0x00002005
#define   FMPI_TOTAL_TRACK_TIME         0x00002006
#define   FMPI_CDDA_REPEAT_MODE         0x00002007

* FMP Messages
#define FMPM_ERROR                         0x00000001
#define FMPM_STARVATION                    0x00000002
#define FMPM_EOS                           0x00000003
#define FMPM_DVDROM_NOT_READY            0x00000004
#define FMPM_AUTOPAUSE                  0x00000005   
#define FMPM_REGION_MISMATCH            0x00000006
#define FMPM_TRICK_MODE_CHANGE         0x00000007

#define FMPM_DVD_ANGLE_CHANGE              0x00000100
#define FMPM_DVD_ANGLES_BLOCK              0x00000101
#define FMPM_DVD_AUDIO_STREAM_CHANGE       0x00000102
#define FMPM_DVD_BUTTONS_CHANGE            0x00000103
#define FMPM_DVD_BUTTON_CHANGE             0x00000104
#define FMPM_DVD_PROGRAM_START             0x00000105
#define FMPM_DVD_CURRENT_TIME              0x00000106
#define FMPM_DVD_DOMAIN_CHANGE             0x00000107
#define FMPM_DVD_NO_FP_PGC                 0x00000108
#define FMPM_DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_CHANGE     0x00000109
#define FMPM_DVD_PLAYBACK_STOPPED          0x0000010A
#define FMPM_DVD_STILL_OFF                 0x0000010B
#define FMPM_DVD_STILL_ON                  0x0000010C
#define FMPM_DVD_TITLE_CHANGE              0x0000010E
#define FMPM_DVD_VALID_UOPS_CHANGE         0x0000010F
#define FMPM_DVD_CHAPTER_CHANGE            0x00000110
#define FMPM_DVD_PARENTAL_ERROR            0x00000111
#define FMPM_DVD_PARENTAL_CHECK            0x00000112
#define FMPM_DVD_END_PLAYBACK            0x00000115
#define   FMPM_DVDROM_ERR                  0x00000116
#define FMPM_DVD_MACROVISION_LEVEL         0x00000117
#define FMPM_DVD_FATAL_ERROR            0x00000118

#define FMPM_SVCD_PSD_END               0x00000200
#define FMPM_CDDA_PSD_END               0x00000300

* FMP Values
#define FMPV_TRICKMODE_NOCHANGE         0x00000000
#define FMPV_TRICKMODE_START            0x00000001
#define FMPV_TRICKMODE_END              0x00000002

// FMPI_VIDEOOUT related values.
// They have to match values in mpegcmn.h used by hardware library:
//      Bit4      = SET_TV_AS_SOURCE, SET_TV_AS_USER
//      Bit2      = SET_ONETOONE, SET_SCALE
//      Bit3,Bit1 = SET_NTSC, SET_PAL, SET_PAL60, SET_PALM
//      Bit5,Bit0 = SET_VGA, SET_TV, SET_HDTV
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_COMPOSITE         0x0000

#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_MODE_MASK         0x0021
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_VGA            0x0000
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_TV            0x0001
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_HDTV            0x0020

#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_NTSC            0x0000
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_PAL             0x0002
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_PAL60            0x0008
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_PALM            0x000A

#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_ONETOONE         0x0000
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_SCALE            0x0004

#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_TV_AS_SOURCE      0x0010
#define FMPV_VIDEOOUT_TV_AS_USER      0x0000

// FMPI_VIDEOASPECT related values - they should be in sync
//         with KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID enum defined in cgraphm.h
// FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_4x3_16x9_ZOOM_ON is not recommended for DVD because
// the subpicture is not visible
// Syntax of the setting name:
//      FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_InputAspectRatio_OutputAspectRatio_UserDisplayOption
//      InputAspectRatio - video material aspect ratio: 4x3 or 16x9
//      OutputAspectRatio - output display device: 4x3=standardTV or 16x9=wide TV
//      UserDisplayOption - user choice if the input and output aspect ratio are not
//         the same and if video material permit
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_4x3_4x3_NORMAL         0x0002   // normal
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_4x3_16x9_ZOOM_ON      0x0003   // upscale video to fit width keeping 4:3 aspect ratio, cropping top and bottom
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_4x3_16x9_ZOOM_OFF      0x0004   // video not scaled horizontally centered, black on sides
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_16x9_16x9_NORMAL      0x0005   // normal
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_16x9_4x3_PANSCAN      0x0006   // pan and scan
#define FMPV_VIDEOASPECT_16x9_4x3_LETTERBOX      0x0007   // letter box

// FMPI_AUDIO_MODE related values.
// They have to match values in mpegcmn.h used by hardware library:
#define FMPV_AUDIO_MODE_STEREO         0x0000
#define FMPV_AUDIO_MODE_RIGHT_ONLY      0x0001
#define FMPV_AUDIO_MODE_LEFT_ONLY      0x0002
#define FMPV_AUDIO_MODE_MONOMIX         0x0003
* DVD Error Messages

#define DVDE_HANDLE                     0x2000
#define DVDE_ARG                        0x2100
#define DVDE_TITLENUMBER                0x2200
#define DVDE_PTTNUMBER                  0x2300
#define DVDE_UNAUTHORIZED            0x2400
#define DVDE_OUT_OF_MEM               0x2500
#define DVDE_INCORRECT_STRUCT         0x2600
#define DVDE_NORESUME               0x2700
#define DVDE_PARENTAL_LOCK            0x2800

* DVD Menu ID
#define DVD_TITLE_ID                            0x02
#define DVD_ROOT_ID                             0x03
#define DVD_AUDIO_ID                            0x05
#define DVD_SUBPICTURE_ID                       0x04
#define DVD_ANGLE_ID                            0x06
#define DVD_PTT_ID                              0x07

* DVD Index
#define FMPI_DVD_VTS_NS                          0x0A01         // for internal use only
#define DVDI_TT_SRPTI                            0x0001
#define DVDI_AST_ATR                             0x0002
#define DVDI_SPST_ATR                            0x0003
#define DVDI_SPRM                                0x0004
#define DVDI_VIDEO_MODE                          0x0005
#define DVDI_TIME                                0x0006         // for internal use only
#define DVDI_UOP_CTL                             0x0007         // for internal use only
#define DVDI_STATE                               0x0008         // for internal use only
#define DVDI_REPEATMODE                          0x0009         // for internal use only
#define DVDI_VATR                         0x000A         // video attribute
#define DVDI_CURRENT_UOPS                   0x000B

* System Parameters (SPRMs)
// (VI4-157)

#define M_LCD            0
#define ASTN            1
#define SPSTN            2   
#define AGLN            3   
#define TTN               4
#define VTS_TTN            5
#define TT_PGCN            6
#define PTTN            7
#define HL_BTTN            8
#define NV_TMR            9
#define NV_TMR_TT_PGCN      10
#define P_AMXMD            11
#define CTY_CD            12
#define PTL_LVL            13
#define P_CFGV            14
#define P_CFGA            15
#define INI_LCD_AST         16
#define INI_LCD_EXT_AST      17
#define INI_LCD_SPST      18
#define INI_LCD_EXT_SPST   19
#define PRC               20

* Structures
#define MAX_AST 8      // 0..7
#define MAX_SP 32      // 0..31
#define MAX_TT 100      // 1..99
#define MAX_AGL 10      // 1..9

typedef struct {
   BYTE bTT_SRP_Ns;               
   BYTE bALG_Ns [MAX_TT];            
   WORD wPTT_Ns [MAX_TT];            

typedef struct {
   BYTE bAST_Ns;
   BOOL bAvailable [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bAudioCodingMode [MAX_AST];
   BOOL bMultichannelExtenstion [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bAudioType [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bAudioApplicationMode [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bQuantization [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bfs [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bNumberOfAudioChannels [MAX_AST];
   WORD wLanguageCode [MAX_AST];
   WORD wLanguageCodeExtension [MAX_AST];
   BYTE bApplicationExtension [MAX_AST];

typedef struct {
   BOOL bAvailable [MAX_SP];
   BYTE bSubpictureType [MAX_SP];
   WORD wLanguageCode [MAX_SP];
   WORD wLanguageCodeExtension [MAX_SP];

typedef struct {
   BYTE bAspectRatio;
   BYTE bDisplayMode;

#define CRMBookmark_SIZE   9400

* CDDA Index
#define CDDAI_TOC 0x0010

* Structures
* FMPAnalogOverlay Functions

DWORD FMPAnalogOverlay(DWORD SubCommand,DWORD dwArg1,DWORD dwArg2,
             DWORD dwArg3,DWORD dwArg4,DWORD dwArg5);

// FMPAnalogOverlay subcommand

// FMPAnalogOverlay subcommand

// General commands
#define FMP_ANALOG_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTE_VGAKEY 0x202 // vgakey selection (dwArg2=R<<16+G<<8+B. indexed mode is not supported)
#define FMP_ANALOG_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAYRESOLUTION 0x203 // send dwArg2=depth (8,16,24,32), dwArg3=physical display width, dwArg4=physical display height
#define FMP_ANALOG_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTE_MODE 0x204  // mode selection (dwArg2=0(none),1(rectangle),2(overlay))
#define FMP_ANALOG_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLAY_CABLE_PRESENT 0x205 // get only: 1=yes, 0=no

// fine-tuning

// FMPAnalogOverlay subcommand
/* then dwArg2=0x88 YOffset autocalibration (horizontal at top pattern)
        dwArg2=0x89 XOffset autocalibration (vertical at left pattern)
        dwArg2=0x8a Correction autocalibration (vertical offset right pattern)
   dwArg2=0x80 Color (WHITE) autocalibration (full white vertical bar pattern)
   dwArg2=0x82 Color (GREY) autocalibration (half white vertical bar pattern) */

* Misc Values

#define FMP_MPEG_SERVER               "REALmagic/MPEGsvr"
#define FMP_MPEG_CLIENT               "REALmagic/MPEGclient"

#ifdef __cplusplus


Lib, include with email check please.....

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Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:52 am

Code: Select all  Expand view
fmp.h:20: error: redefinition of typedef ‘LONG’
./../../harbour/include/hbdefs.h:190: error: previous declaration of ‘LONG’ was here
fmp.h:22: error: redefinition of typedef ‘BYTE’
./../../harbour/include/hbdefs.h:181: error: previous declaration of ‘BYTE’ was here
fmp.h:23: error: redefinition of typedef ‘BOOL’
./../../harbour/include/hbdefs.h:168: error: previous declaration of ‘BOOL’ was here
In file included from yunb.prg:37:
fmp.h:232:21: error: rm84cmn.h: No such file or directory
fmp.h:241:18: error: ifmp.h: No such file or directory

We also need those missing .h files: rm84cmn.h, ifmp.h

Besides them, there are conflicts for LONG, BYTE and BOOL definitions. We can solve the BOOL one, but not sure about LONG and BYTE. We need to try it.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby yunbg1 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:46 am

Hi Antonio.

The next file is SDK.

Thank you.


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Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:08 am

You need to modify these lines in fmp.h:

typedef unsigned long DWORD;
// typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
// typedef unsigned char BYTE;
// typedef int BOOL;

Now it compiles fine
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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