They not in my harbour directories. There is hbziplib.ch and hbzlib.h in the include files but nothing else.
Can't find them. Can you email me a copy of each.
hag wrote:Enrico:
They not in my harbour directories. There is hbziplib.ch and hbzlib.h in the include files but nothing else.
Can't find them.
hag wrote:Can you email me a copy of each.
hag wrote:Can you let me know the date of the current version...Thanks.
hag wrote:Enrico:
Just downloaded 8/20/2008 version of harbour from fivetech site and still can"t find HBZIP.LIB and ZLIB.lib. What am I doing wrong?
hag wrote:Sorry to be a pest.
Downloaded harbour-1.0.0-win32-bcc551 and checked lib and no hbziparch.lib. There is hbzlib.lib. Thats it. Now what???
Thanks for your help.
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Enrico,
Would you mind to upload them to rapidshare or similar and post here the download url ? Thanks
This way other users can get them too
// $Id: testzip.prg,v 1.6 2003/09/15 02:57:10 paultucker Exp $
// Requires samples.lib for gauge support
#include "common.ch"
#include "setcurs.ch"
proc Main()
Local aFiles, aGauge, nLen, aDir
Local aSaveFiles
Local aGaugeFile
// This is the 'safe' thing to do until Alert() is given focus.
SetMode( 50,80 )
ZipCreate( "TEST.ZIP", "testzip.prg" )
aFiles := {"testzip.prg",GetEnv("windir")+ "\win.ini"}
nLen := Len(afiles)
ZipCreate( "TEST1.ZIP", aFiles[2] )
ZipCreate( "TEST2.ZIP", aFiles, 8, {|cFile,nPos| qout("Added " + cFile)})
// something here is not clipper compatible
// (These can be removed after the box drawing is corrected)
aGauge := GaugeNew( row()-6, 5, row()-4,74 , "W/B", "W+/B" ,'²')
GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
aGaugeFile := GaugeNew( row()+2, 5, row()+4,74 , "W/B", "W+/B" ,'²')
GaugeDisplay( aGaugeFile )
aFiles := {}
aDir := Directory( "*.prg" )
Aeval( aDir, {|a| aadd( aFiles, a[1]) })
/* lets add an new bigger files on this example*/
aDir := Directory( "*.map" )
Aeval( aDir, {|a| aadd( aFiles, a[1]) })
aDir := Directory( "*.c" )
Aeval( aDir, {|a| aadd( aFiles, a[1]) })
nLen := Len(afiles)
// Lets save aFile Array for later usage
aSaveFiles := aFiles
set cursor off
ZipCreate("test3.zip", aFiles, 8, ;
{|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate(aGauge,nPos/nLen) },,'hello',,,;
{|nPos,nCur| GaugeUpdate(aGaugeFile,nPos/nCur)})
set cursor on
? str( nlen ) +" files were added to the zip"
// method 1
aFiles := hb_GetFilesInZip( "test3.zip" )
if aFiles != NIL
? str( Len( aFiles ) ) + " files are in the zip"
// or simpler, method 2
? str( hb_GetFileCount("test3.zip" ) ) + " files using alternate method"
ZipHasPassword( "TEST1.ZIP" )
ZipHasPassword( "test3.zip" )
//ok, now we create an file on an floppy
? "Put a formatted Floppy/Zip disk in drive A: and press any key - (ESC) to skip"
? "Existing files will not be deleted!"
Inkey( 0 )
if lastkey() != 27
// no need for all the qout's after a cls.
aGauge := GaugeNew( row(), 5, row()+2,74 , "W/B", "W+/B" ,'²')
GaugeDisplay( aGauge )
aGaugeFile := GaugeNew( row(), 5, row()+2,74 , "W/B", "W+/B" ,'²')
GaugeDisplay( aGaugeFile )
HB_SETDISKZIP( { | x | Alert( "Please insert disk no " + Str( x , 3 ) ) } )
set cursor off
ZipCreateToFloppy("test4.zip", aSaveFiles, 9, ;
{|cFile,nPos| GaugeUpdate(aGauge,nPos/nLen) },,'hello',,,;
{|nPos,nCur| GaugeUpdate(aGaugeFile,nPos/nCur)})
set cursor on
function ZipCreate(cFile, uContents, nLevel, bUpdate, lOverwrite, password,;
lPath, lDrive, bFileUpdate)
Local lRet
Default lOverwrite to .t.
Default lPath to .t.
IF ( lRet := HB_ZIPFILE( cFile, uContents, nLevel, bUpdate, lOverwrite,;
password, lPath, lDrive, bFileUpdate) )
? cFile + " was successfully created"
Return lRet
function ZipCreateToFloppy(cFile, uContents, nLevel, bUpdate, lOverwrite, password,;
lPath, lDrive, bFileUpdate)
Local lRet
Default lOverwrite to .t.
Default lPath to .t.
IF ( lRet := HB_ZIPFILEBYPKSPAN ( "a:\" + cFile, uContents, nLevel, bUpdate, lOverwrite,;
password, lPath, lDrive, bFileUpdate) )
? cFile + " was successfully created"
Return lRet
Function ZipHasPassword( cFile )
Local lRet
? cFile + " has " + iif(lRet := hb_ZipWithPassword(cFile),"a","no" )+ " password"
Return lRet
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