Hi Patrick
I love the xHarbour.com Builder. My problem is that, due to official updates being released only once per year, I find myself either having to use betas of xHarbour instead of official xHarbour.com releases (or else not being able to update FWH etc except once a year). If I am having to use betas, then all I use from your company is the builder which thus stops being cost-effective compared to a "once-off" cost of, say, UEStudio.
I realise xHarbour.com offers other products but, because I use Borland, I'm not sure some of them can be used and I have no need for them to date. Should I need (and be able) to use any of those extra products in future, I may indeed renew my subscription with xHarbour.com at that time.
I have a couple of other disappointments but not for public. Please email me
cwisbey@optusnet.com.au if you wish to discuss further.
Thanks for your interest.