Can OLE also be used in FWH to connect to OpenOffice ?
If yes, how does it work ?
oSrvMan = CREATEOBJECT( "com.sun.star.ServiceManager" )
oDesktop = oSrvMan:CreateInstance( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" )
oDoc = oDesktop:LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, {} )
oSheet = oDoc:GetSheets():GetByIndex( 0 )
oSheet:GetCellByPosition( 0, 0 ):SetString = "TEST"
oSheet:GetCellByPosition( 1, 0 ):SetValue = 123
oSheet:GetCellRangeByPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0 ):CharWeight = 150
oSheet:GetColumns():GetByIndex( i ):OptimalWidth = .T.
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