I have an application running in a truck-transport company.
They handle the planning with my program. They working with 10 people together. With a browse they can see what truck have to go to what place.
If anyone change, or add a route they want automaticly refresh the screens of the other users, so they see direcly the latest status.
What I did now is, when a user start the program, the serienumber of his PC is added to a database. So if 7 users are working in the program, 7 records
of serienumbers are in the database.
When someone update or change anything, the program set a logic field of that database to ON of all users.
In the program I have defined a timer that do a search in the database of it's serienumber, and if the field is ON, the screen will refresh, and put the
logic field of his serienr back OFF.
That is working very nice.
Now they want me to write another program to do some planning for truck-maintenance and I was wondering if there was an other (easyer) method to do
a refresh of the screens on the other PC?