Dear Armando
Your solution worked
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCol:bStrdata:={ || TRANSFORM(oRecSet:AbsolutePosition(),"@Z 99999") }
Dear mcfoxyour solution did not work and it was giving error
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCol:bStrData:=GenProgessNumber( oBrw )
function GenProgressNumber( oBrw )
return {|| oBrw:nArrayAt }
So I changed your code in function GenProgressNumber( oBrw ) to
- Code: Select all Expand view
function GenProgressNumber( oBrw )
return {|| str(oBrw:nArrayAt) }
By adding str I avoided error but the progressive no in the xBrowse is always 0 in all the lines.
Thanks for your help.
I am writing it down here what I have learned and I hope that it may be useful to newbies like me and help them to reduce their learning curve. Time is valuable
So this is how we get a progressive no in xBrowse
IF Array is used in xBrowse then
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCol:bStrData:={ || oBrw:nArrayAt }
If DBF is used in xBrowse then
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCol:bStrData:={ || str( RecNo() ) } // I am doubtful here what happens if the DBF is indexed
If RecordSet is used in xBrowse
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCol:bStrdata:={ || TRANSFORM(oRecSet:AbsolutePosition(),"@Z 99999") }
oCol:bStrdata:={ || str(oRecSet:AbsolutePosition() ) }