Memowrite - ESC character

Memowrite - ESC character

Postby Otto » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:31 am

Copying dbf-files with memoread/memowrit adds a chr(26) (ESC character) at the end of the file.
Could this cause problems?
How can I add this C function to my FWPPC program?

Thanks in advance

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbapiitm.h>
#include "hbapifs.h"

PHB_ITEM pFileName = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );
   PHB_ITEM pString = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );
BOOL bWriteEof = TRUE; /* write Eof !, by default is .T. */

   if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3                       && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );

   if( pFileName                                && pString )
FHANDLE fhnd = hb_fsCreate( ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pFileName ), FC_NORMAL );

   if( fhnd != FS_ERROR )
ULONG ulSize = hb_itemGetCLen( pString );

   bRetVal = ( hb_fsWriteLarge( fhnd, ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pString ), ulSize ) == ulSize );

/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will add the EOF even if the write failed. [vszakats] */
/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will not return .F. when the EOF could not be written. [vszakats] */
#if ! defined(OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE)
if( bWriteEof ) /* if true, then write EOF */

   hb_fsWrite( fhnd, &byEOF, sizeof( BYTE ) );

hb_fsClose( fhnd );

hb_retl( bRetVal );

#pragma ENDDUMP

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Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:37 am


Copying dbf-files with memoread/memowrit adds a chr(26) (ESC character) at the end of the file. Could this cause problems?

We have never tried it. Please try it and let us know if it works, thanks

> How can I add this C function to my FWPPC program?

Just add that code that you have published to your PRG :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Otto » Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:57 pm

Thank you, Antonio.

The dbf-files seems to work also with the ESC but to face no problems in future I prefer to copy without.

If I link the code I get following warnings:

c:\develop8\nextstb\mystb.c(13285) : warning C4129: 'd' : unrecognized character escape sequence
c:\develop8\nextstb\mystb.c(13285) : warning C4129: 'm' : unrecognized character escape sequence
* Application successfully built and all is working.

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Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:09 pm


Those warnings are caused as Harbour output .C files use "\" for paths, though "\\" should be used.

You can safely ignore them.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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