sometimes it happens, that not all characters in a get-field are visible and reachable. It happens, when the content of a get field is exactly one character longer than the display length.
Here a self-containing example:
- Code: Select all Expand view
#include ""
function Main()
local oTest, oDlg
local cTest := "22MM23456789012"
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "A simple GET" FROM 2, 2 TO 13, 40
@ 30, 10 GET oTEST VAR cTest SIZE 49, 12 pixel OF oDlg PICTURE "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
return nil
if the cursor is in this get field and you walk with the arrow to the right, the last character in it "2" isn't visible in any way. But if you mark the characters, for example if you hold shift and then use the right-arrow, the last character suddenly appears. Has someone experienced something similar and/or has someone a solution for this problem?