manuramos wrote:I think it's OK because ALLTRIM(" / / ") is exactly "/ /",
manuramos wrote:in the same way ALLTRIM(" - - ") is exactly "- -", and is necesary.
manuramos wrote:Enrico, I'm remembering, tree years ago,more or less, I modified some methods of TGET class, and I released leading spaces. It's running OK.
Antonio Linares wrote:Enrico,
I guess the right code is ... .or. cText == " - -" without using AllTrim().
The other expressions seem fine.
Antonio Linares wrote:Enrico,
Please notice that there are three spaces in front: " - -"
It looks as a picture for US phone numbers.
Antonio Linares wrote:Enrico,
> cText == " / /"
It looks as an empty date (please notice that AllTrim() was not needed). There are two spaces before the first "/" and none after the last "/".
That seems to be the return from GetWindowText() when the date is empty.
elseif Empty( cText ) .or. RTrim( cText ) == " / /" .or. ;
AllTrim( cText ) == "0" .or. ;
RTrim( cText ) == " - -"
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