I made some changes in class txbrowse:
1) in class TXBrwColumn I made new
DATA lSelectall
and in the begining of method "New" I put
DEFAULT ::lSelectall:=.t.
then in method "Edit" instead of string
I put:
if ::lSelectall
Now I can make a choice between variant of editing cell starting.
2) in method "PaintData" instead of string
FillRect( hDC, {nTop, nRectCol, nBottom, Min( nRectCol + nRectWidth, ::oBrw:BrwWidth() - 4 ) }, hBrush )
I put:
if valtype(acolors[2])<>'B'
FillRect( hDC, {nTop, nRectCol, nBottom, Min( nRectCol + nRectWidth, ::oBrw:BrwWidth() - 4 ) }, hBrush )
GradientFill( hDC, nRow - 1, nCol, nRow + nHeight - 1, nCol + nWidth, ;
Eval( acolors[2], .t. ) )
Now I can paint gradient hilight cell (like in header...) by calling:
oBrw:bClrSelFocus:={|| { CLR_BLACK, { || { { 1, CLR_WHITE, CLR_NBROWN } } } } }
oBrw:bClrSelFocus:={|| { CLR_BLACK, CLR_NBROWN } }
To my mind this picture:
looks better, then this:
So, my question is:
Is this a right corrections, that I made? Thanks !