I have this issue...
LOCA cId:= SPAC(10), cPassword:= SPAC(10)...
@ 74,180 GET cId PIXEL ON CHANGE oBtn:Refresh()
@ 85,180 GET cPassword PASSWORD PIXEL ON CHANGE oBtn:Refresh()
@ 102, 85 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT '&Start' WHEN ( !EMPTY( cId ) .AND. !EMPTY( cPassword ) ) ACTION ( ValidInfo( cId, cPassword ) )
happen that the button oBtn start disable because cId and cPassword are empties, but if I write in cId and start to write in cPassword, oBtn remain disable and I can't send the proper code to enable. I try with ( oBtn:Refresh(), .T. ), ( oDlg:Refresh(), .T. ), ( SysRefresh(), .T. ), etc... oBtn only updates to enable when cId or cPassword lost focus.
What code is proper in the ON CHANGE method to update state in the BUTTON..?
Thank you for your help...