I am having some difficulty trying to figure out the format of the ActiveX commands.
Is there a guide or something that can explain what and when you use items from an object list.
I'm having a hard time explaining what I'm after ... maybe some examples will help...
Playing with the codejock calendar controls I look at the "object browser" in in Microsofts VB.
The following (at bottom) are examples of what I must use for things to work but I am only coming across these either by finding an example or by trial and error. How do you know what to put after the "oAct:"
I guess I am just having a hard time getting my mind around this.
If I look at the object viewer I see for example:
Class DatePicker
Then there is a list of "Members of DatePciker". No matter what I try ... can't get a DataPicker on the screen.
I figured doing a oAct:DatePicker:AttachToCalendar() would work but no luck.
If I could figure out how the format works I could save a lot of time.
oAct:SetDataProvider:="Provider=XML;Data Source=\FusionEMR\Events.xml"
oAct:DayView:Timescale := 30
oAct:ActiveView:ShowDay:= Date()
oAct:Options:WorkDayStartTime("8:00:00 AM")
oAct:Options:WorkDayEndTime("8:00:00 PM")
oAct:ShowTimelineButton:= .f.
oAct:ShowCaptionBar:= .t.
oAct:ShowCaptionBarScrollDateButtons:= .t.
oAct:ViewType:= xtpCalendarWorkWeekView