I finished the new release of the Buttontools.
It was the most complicated one of all Tools, because I wanted a Click and Preview-solution
with nothing to save or to close.
I hope the transparency works also with XP ( not tested ), because I'm working with Vista.
Define the Button-size and Color, the Image of the Button, the Background of the Dialog ....
Just select a background between Buttons color <-> image and choose < Show All >.
As well, the practical use of my own Buttonbar and Dialogtitle is shown.
It is possible now, to create a EXE-file of You selected settings. ( FWH >= Version 9.04 needed )
Check the path-defines of File < FILE.rmk > before compile.
For the transparent display on image-background,I still need a solution.
Any Button-selection in the Buttonbar closes the last opend preview automaticly.
Preview changes You can do inside the < Setting > -section. You don't need to save anything.
The different previews will use the Setup-Settings if You select a preview button.
All images You want to use for testing, You must copy to the Subdirectory /PROJECT.
For detailed informations, a Helpfile is included.
All possible combinations are covered ( 80 ):
Background : Colors, Gradient, Style, Brush and Images. Preview from Source and Resource.
Downloads :
Buttontools 1.2 ( 3.6 MB )
HelpFile ( 3.3 MB )
Freeimage 3.12 ( 0.8 MB )
Easy to use :
Select one of the Buttons :
Image-Select => the Button Show All opens 4 different Dialogs
( 2 from Source and 2 from Resource ) with the selected Background.
before You select one of these Buttons from the Buttonbar,
You can change the values with the Button < Settings >
The Help-File
There are Hotspot-Areas on the Images.
Just click inside the Buttonbar like in the Main-Application.
The EXE-file, You can create.
Select one of the Dialog-backgrounds and choose < Write Source >
For the next Release 1.3, I added some nice extensions.
( Will be released after the next FWH-Update, because of maybe changes in BTNBMP-class )
There will be a better looking source ( optimized ) as well with a bigger Dialog-size
to show the Background and a Exit-Button for the Main-window.
The display of the Button-Images as Alpha-Image is added.
Maybe with the next FWH-Update, there will be a solution for
Transparent-Buttons on Images ?
More Help-Pages :
Best Regards