dbf to Xml
Re: dbf to Xml
Hi all,
Is there any Sample PRG available demonstrating how to convert a DBf to XML programatically using Native FWH xHarbour without using ADO. Mr.Enrico has already provided a sample above in this thread showing the conversion using ADO
Is there any class available to convert a DBF to XML.
Is there any Sample PRG available demonstrating how to convert a DBf to XML programatically using Native FWH xHarbour without using ADO. Mr.Enrico has already provided a sample above in this thread showing the conversion using ADO
Is there any class available to convert a DBF to XML.
- Posts: 824
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Re: dbf to Xml
this function may help you
this function may help you
Code: Select all | Expand
/ Dbf2Xml. Utilidad de conversion de ficheros DBF a XML
/ mediante transformacion XSL con salida HTML
/ (C) 2003. Joaquim Ferrer Godoy
/ Inicio: 16-07-2003 */
#define CRLF chr(13)+chr(10)
function main( cDbf, cXmlOut )
local aStruc, aNomFields
local nHandle
cXmlOut := If( cXmlOut = NIL, cDbf, cXmlOut )
if cDbf = NIL
? "Es necesario indicar el nombre del archivo DBF"
return( .f. )
if !file( cDbf + ".dbf" )
? "No existe el archivo DBF especificado"
return( .f. )
USE ( cDbf ) NEW ALIAS "_temp_"
//Obtener la lista de campos
aStruc := dbstruct()
aNomFields := {}
aeval( aStruc, {|a| aadd( aNomFields, a[1] ) } )
// Proceso de escritura del archivo de salida XML
? "Generando XML : " + cXmlOut
nHandle := fcreate( cXmlOut + ".xml" )
fwrite( nHandle, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1" ?>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, "<DATABASE>" + CRLF )
_temp_->( dbgotop() )
do while !_temp_->( eof() )
fwrite( nHandle, "<RECORD>" + CRLF )
aeval( aNomFields, {|cField, nPos| ;
fwrite( nHandle, "<" + cField + ">" +;
Val2Char( _temp_->( fieldget( nPos ) ) ) + ;
"</" + cField + ">" + CRLF ) } )
fwrite( nHandle, "</RECORD>" + CRLF )
_temp_->( dbskip() )
fwrite( nHandle, "</DATABASE>" + CRLF )
fclose( nHandle )
_temp_->( dbclosearea() )
// Proceso de escritura del archivo de salida XSL
// XSL realizara la transformacion del XML
? "Generando XSL : " + cXmlOut
nHandle := fcreate( cXmlOut + ".xsl" )
fwrite( nHandle, "<?xml version='1.0'?>" + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl">' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<xsl:template match="/">' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<html>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<body>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#f1f1f1" width="100%">' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<tr>' + CRLF )
aeval( aNomFields, {|cField| ;
fwrite( nHandle, "<th>" + cField + "</th>" + CRLF ) } )
fwrite( nHandle, '</tr>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<xsl:for-each select="DATABASE/RECORD">' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<tr>' + CRLF )
aeval( aNomFields, {|cField| ;
fwrite( nHandle, '<td><xsl:value-of select="' + ;
cField + '"/></td>' + CRLF ) } )
fwrite( nHandle, '</tr>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</xsl:for-each>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</table>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</body>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</html>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</xsl:template>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</xsl:stylesheet>' + CRLF )
fclose( nHandle )
// Proceso de escritura del archivo de salida HTML
? "Generando HTML: " + cXmlOut
nHandle := fcreate( cXmlOut + ".htm" )
fwrite( nHandle, '<html>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<head>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<title>Dbf2XML : ' + cXmlOut + '</title>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<style>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'TH{font-family:verdana;font-size:12px}' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'TD{font-family:verdana;font-size:10px}' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</style>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</head>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<body>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '<script language="javascript">' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'xml.async = false' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'xml.load("' + cXmlOut + '.xml")' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'var xsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'xsl.async = false' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'xsl.load("' + cXmlOut + '.xsl")' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, 'document.write(xml.transformNode(xsl))' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</script>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</body>' + CRLF )
fwrite( nHandle, '</html>' + CRLF )
fclose( nHandle )
return( .t. )
static func Val2Char( uVar )
local cChar
local cType := valtype( uVar )
do case
case cType == "N"
cChar := rtrim( str( uVar ) )
case cType == "D"
cChar := dtos( uVar )
case cType == "L"
cChar := If( uVar, ".T.", ".F." )
cChar := uVar // Caracter
return( rtrim( cChar ) )
kind regards
- James Bott
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Re: dbf to Xml
>Is there any class available to convert a DBF to XML.
There is another DBF to XML conversion program on my website here:
There is another DBF to XML conversion program on my website here:
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
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- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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Re: dbf to Xml
When I try to run your XML to DBF code (using ADO), I get the following error:
Error description: Error ADODB.Recordset/6 DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: OPEN
[ 1] = O Object
Stack Calls
Called from: source\rtl\win32ole.prg => TOLEAUTO:OPEN(0)
Called from: XML2DBF3.prg => MAIN(24)
It is happening at this line of your code:
The oStream object is getting defined as an object. Any ideas?
When I try to run your XML to DBF code (using ADO), I get the following error:
Error description: Error ADODB.Recordset/6 DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: OPEN
[ 1] = O Object
Stack Calls
Called from: source\rtl\win32ole.prg => TOLEAUTO:OPEN(0)
Called from: XML2DBF3.prg => MAIN(24)
It is happening at this line of your code:
The oStream object is getting defined as an object. Any ideas?
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: dbf to Xml
Can you send to my private email the XML file you are testing?
Be patient as I will probably can't answer in the next days.
Be patient as I will probably can't answer in the next days.
- James Bott
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Re: dbf to Xml
It doesn't have anything to do with the XML file as the code hasn't tried to open the file yet. Here is the only code that has been executed:
It is erroring out on the Open() method. The error appears to be saying that there is no "Open" method.
No worries about a timely reply. I don't need this right away.
It doesn't have anything to do with the XML file as the code hasn't tried to open the file yet. Here is the only code that has been executed:
Code: Select all | Expand
LOCAL oStream, oRs
oStream = CREATEOBJECT( "ADODB.Stream" )
msgInfo( valtype( oStream ) ) // returns "O"
It is erroring out on the Open() method. The error appears to be saying that there is no "Open" method.
No worries about a timely reply. I don't need this right away.
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: dbf to Xml
Mr James
Your code is working perfect for me. ( on XP )
I am not getting any errors.
MsgInfo( oStream:State ) --> returns 1 ( 1 for opened )
Will you please check again ?
Your code is working perfect for me. ( on XP )
I am not getting any errors.
MsgInfo( oStream:State ) --> returns 1 ( 1 for opened )
Will you please check again ?
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- James Bott
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Re: dbf to Xml
>MsgInfo( oStream:State ) --> returns 1
oStream:State is returning 0 for me (under XP Pro, SP3).
This is my concern and that of others. Even though oStream is showing as an object, apparently the needed components are not installed on my computer. If you are creating an application for a single site, then perhaps using ADO is a good choice. But, if you are writing applications for use on many sites, then ADO is going to cause you a great deal of tech support. This is the reason many of us do not use ADO.
>MsgInfo( oStream:State ) --> returns 1
oStream:State is returning 0 for me (under XP Pro, SP3).
This is my concern and that of others. Even though oStream is showing as an object, apparently the needed components are not installed on my computer. If you are creating an application for a single site, then perhaps using ADO is a good choice. But, if you are writing applications for use on many sites, then ADO is going to cause you a great deal of tech support. This is the reason many of us do not use ADO.
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: dbf to Xml
Mr James
I agree with you.
But to the best of my knowledge and experience, ADO is working on all PCs with XP, with the *default* installation. This is my experience with an organization with about 500 XPs and also that of my friends here.
In fact I am surprised why it is not working on your XP or some other XPs. May be my exposure is limited.
I agree with you.
But to the best of my knowledge and experience, ADO is working on all PCs with XP, with the *default* installation. This is my experience with an organization with about 500 XPs and also that of my friends here.
In fact I am surprised why it is not working on your XP or some other XPs. May be my exposure is limited.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- James Bott
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Re: dbf to Xml
After reading your comments about it working on all your XP PCs, I took another look.
My mistake! I had not looked at the line number of the error, and I assumed it was erroring out on:
But, in fact, it was erroring out on:
oRS:Open( oStream )
But, I still don't know why I am getting this error:
I have checked and oRs is an object type, but the error message is indicating that it doesn't have an Open() method.
Perhaps it IS a problem with the sample XML file I was using as Enrico suggested. I don't remember where I got this file, and I don't know what format ADODB is expecting.
Can you send me a sample XML file that is working for you? Send it to:
jbott at compuserve dot com
After reading your comments about it working on all your XP PCs, I took another look.
My mistake! I had not looked at the line number of the error, and I assumed it was erroring out on:
But, in fact, it was erroring out on:
oRS:Open( oStream )
But, I still don't know why I am getting this error:
I have checked and oRs is an object type, but the error message is indicating that it doesn't have an Open() method.
Perhaps it IS a problem with the sample XML file I was using as Enrico suggested. I don't remember where I got this file, and I don't know what format ADODB is expecting.
Can you send me a sample XML file that is working for you? Send it to:
jbott at compuserve dot com
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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- James Bott
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- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 8753
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