TimStone wrote:Should I list all files in the Project, including .lib and .rc files that will be used ?
If I have the .com version of xHarbour, and now I want to use the xHarbour from the FWH site with the Borland compiler, what xHarbour files should be changed ? ( .lib, .dll )
What commands ( generally speaking ) used in an xBuilder/xCC version cannot be used in the xHarbour ( FWH /Borland ) version ?
Is there any documentation for all of this ?
- Zip Function (ZipNew/ZipOpen/ZipCreate/ZipAddFile/ZipClose)
- Code: Select all Expand view
Function ZipFiles( cFile, cZipFile )
Hb_ZipFile( cZipFile, cFile )
return nil
- cm and cmx (Comix & ClipMore) function
- Code: Select all Expand view
* Use these function instead of COMIX *
Function cmxSetScope( nScope, xVal )
return if(PCount() <= 1, OrdScope( nScope ), OrdScope( nScope, xVal ))
Function cmxClrScope( nScope )
return OrdScope( nScope, Nil)
Function cmxKeyNo()
return OrdKeyNo()
Function cmxKeyCount()
return OrdKeyCount()
Function cmxKeyCoun()
return OrdKeyCount()
Function cmxKeyGoTo(nKey)
return OrdKeyGoTo(nKey)
* Use these function instead of CLIPMORE *
Function cmSetFilter( xVal )
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(xVal) }, xVal )
Function cmFilter( xVal )
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(xVal) }, xVal )
Function cmClrFilter()
return DbClearFilter()
Function cmReFilter( xVal )
local cFilter := (Alias())->(DbFilter())
if !empty( cFilter )
cFilter += '.and.'+xVal
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(cFilter) }, cFilter )
Function cmFiltCount()
return AdsKeyCount()
Function cmKeyGoTo( nRec )
return nil
That's all I remember. It almost compatible xHarbour/xHarbour.com.