Is it possible to navigate within the Ribbonbar with the keyboard.
Thank in advance
METHOD GoLeft() INLINE If( ::nOption > 1, ::SetOption( ::nOption - 1 ),)
METHOD GoRight() INLINE If( ::nOption < Len( ::aDialogs ), ::SetOption( ::nOption + 1 ),)
METHOD KeyDown( nKey, nFlags )
METHOD KeyDown( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TRibbonBar
do case
case nKey == VK_LEFT
case nKey == VK_RIGHT
return Super:KeyDown( nKey, nFlags )
oRBar:aDialogs[1]:bGotFocus := {||msginfo(1)}
oRBar:aDialogs[2]:bGotFocus := {||msginfo(2)}
oRBar:aDialogs[3]:bGotFocus := {||msginfo(3)}
oRBar:aDialogs[4]:bGotFocus := {||msginfo(4)}
METHOD GoLeft() INLINE If( ::nOption > 1,(msginfo("left") ,::SetOption( ::nOption - 1 )),)
METHOD GoLeft() INLINE If( ::nOption > 1, ::SetOption( ::nOption - 1 ),)
METHOD GoRight() INLINE If( ::nOption < Len( ::aDialogs ), ::SetOption( ::nOption + 1 ),)
METHOD GoLeft() INLINE If( ::nOption > 1, ( logfile("log.txt", { " left" } ) ,::SetOption( ::nOption - 1 )) ,)
METHOD GoRight() INLINE If( ::nOption < Len( ::aDialogs ), ( logfile("log.txt", { " right" } ) ,::SetOption( ::nOption + 1 )), )
oRBar:aDialogs[1]:bGotFocus := {||logfile("log.txt", { " 1" } ) }
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