arpipeline wrote:I am using Advantage Database Server version 8.1
I have the AIS portion of my system running like a charm. However, I want to switch to ALS and create temp tables here and there in my code. I cannot seem to figure out how to use *both* ALS and AIS in the same application.
Can someone help me out? My specific question is how to COPY STRUCTURE, USE, etc. using ALS when I have an active .ADD
connected via AIS.
Mr. Andy,
I have a similar application which uses both ADS and ALS at the same time.
- Code: Select all Expand view
hADS := 0
hALS := 0
lServerOK := ADSConnect60( <.add location>,4,'adssys',,,@hADS)
lLocalOK := ADSConnect60( <.add location>,1, 'adssys',,,@hALS)
Use this to switch your connection
- Code: Select all Expand view
AdsConnection( hADS ) //switch to ADS handle
AdsConnection( hALS ) //switch to ALS handle
All other ADS operation are standard.