Hi !
In xBrowses classes , concrety TxBrwColumn() , I missed which field of oCol object is assigned . I added in main program "EXTEND CLASS TxBrwColumn WITH DATA cColField" . But maybe I passed something and alreday exist something like that ? Why it's needfull ? Let's say I'm getting "Items" table , in which are ItemNum , ItemCode and ItemName fieds . ItemNum is hidden , this is a counter - 1,2,3,4,5... User can see ItemCode and ItemName fields only . In "SalesOrder" table exist only ItemNum code . In browse I'm using like that : oCol:bStrData := { ||ret_field( "ITEMS", SALESODER->ITEMNUM, "ITEMCODE", 1 ) } . This ret_field function returns from Items table ItemCode value researching with ItemNum . All that is working . But this column of SalesOrder xBrowse contains this codeblock and others , but don't know which field is related REALLY . So I added this DATA cColField .
I have request for sample with xBrowse - how to insert at the end of xBrowse a blank line , a la buffer , to fill fields , validate write and etc. ? Exist codeblock , with which I can write a really value to field , like SalesOrtder->ItemNum ? How to mark which fields are mandatory ? Many thanks in advance for any related sample !
With best regards !