FWPPC apps running in background

FWPPC apps running in background

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:48 am

By default, FWPPC does not allow that an application runs in background, as the user may close it and may not notice that the application is still running.

This example shows how to let a FWPPC run in background, if "x" is pressed:
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#include "fwce.ch"
#include "winapi.ch"
#define SW_MINIMIZE  6
function Main()
   local oWnd := TMyWindow():New( "Click to exit",, nOr( WS_CAPTION, WS_SYSMENU ) )
   oWnd:Activate( { || oWnd:End() },,,, { || MsgYesNo( "Want to end ?", "Please select" ) } )
return nil
CLASS TMyWindow FROM TWindow
   METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )
   METHOD End( nID )
METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TMyWindow
   do case
      case nMsg == WM_CLOSE
           ShowWindow( ::hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE )
           return 0
      case nMsg == WM_SIZE
           return nil          
return Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )      
   DEFAULT nID := 0
   if ::lValid()
      DestroyWindow( ::hWnd )
      ::nResult = nID
      return nil
return 0      
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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