>I mean if the exe is in use by a workstation which does not log out.
OK, I assume you mean this would be a problem when trying to update the EXE? If so, then you have a worse problem than when using local copies. You have no way of knowing if local copies are in use. You could update the server copy, but then you have the situation that users running the local version during the update would prevent DBF modifications.
I have a control.dbf on the network data drive where every workstation logs in and locks ‘his’ record.
The station which executes the dbf-file update must first try to lock the control.dbf successfully (flock - oControl:flock() ).
Or, if there were no DBF modifications, you still could have some users running the old version while users running the app after the server update would be running the new version.
We have a version field in the control.dbf. Every exe checks against this control.dbf. If the version number does not correspond the exe does not start.
Many users will leave a major app running for days so some users may not get the update for days.
If all users are running the server EXE, then everyone must be logged out before the server EXE can be updated. This also allows you to make DBF modifications. You can also be sure all users are using the same version at all times.
I would like to have the exe on the server. But my design is not made for that.
I have a system with many exe files. I have a design that I use for nearly every main task (clients, bills, plan, etc. ) an own exe file.
Therefore and if it is only some seconds on start this is a problem because I open and close very much the exe files.