* $Id: bkgtsks.txt,v 1.3 2008/01/27 23:14:42 fsgiudice Exp $
* The following parts are Copyright of the individual authors.
* www -
http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org *
* Copyright 2003 Francesco Saverio Giudice <info@fsgiudice.com>
* Documentation for Background Task functions:
* hb_backgroundAdd() hb_backgroundDel() hb_backgroundRun()
* hb_backgroundRunForced() hb_backgroundRunSingle() hb_backgroundActive()
* hb_backgroundTime() hb_backgroundReset() hb_backgroundFind()
* hb_backgroundShutDown()
* See doc/license.txt for licensing terms.
/* $DOC$
* The Background tasks
* Document
* Read me file for Background functions
* Background tasks born as an extension of idle state.
* The background tasks are tasks that are performed in concurrency with
* other VM (virtual machine) activities.
* While idle tasks are performed, as the name says, during the idle state,
* background tasks are performed during the normal activity.
* As default background tasks don't run unless you explicitily run them
* using HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() function or define a SET BACKGROUND TASKS ON
* command or Set( _BACKGROUND_TASKS, .T. ).
* The only note is that backgrounds will be stopped during idle state.
* To avoid this add the function HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() (or hb_backgroundRun()
* on C level) as an idle function. See HB_BACKGROUNDADD() for details.
* You can define background tasks using HB_BACKGROUNDADD() that accepts,
* as mandatory parameter, a code block or an array as defined in
* HB_EXECFROMARRAY() function.
* As additional parameters you can define a time expressed in milliseconds
* after which the task will be performed and a logical value that defines
* if the tasks is active or not.
* Functions avalaible to manipulate background tasks are:
* - HB_BACKGROUNDADD() to add a task
* - HB_BACKGROUNDDEL() to delete a task
* - HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() to run all or one single task
* - HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVE() to set if a task is active or not
* - HB_BACKGROUNDTIME() to set the time interval after the task must run
* - HB_BACKGROUNDRESET() to reset internal counter of tasks
* Similar API function are avalaible at C level.
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Set if a task is active or not.
* HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVE( <nHandle>, <lActive> ) --> lOldActive
* <nHandle> is the identifier of the task returned by the
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* <lActive> .T. (default) if the task is active and will be executed.
* <lOldActive> the last value defined
* HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVE() change the active state of a task.
* If the task handle, as returned from HB_BACKGROUNDADD(), is valid the old
* value is returned. Otherwise NIL is returned.
* // First we define a ticker with a time of half a second
* nTask := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTicker()}, 500 )
* ...
* // Now we stop the ticker task
* nOldActive := HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVE( nTask, .F. )
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Adds the background task.
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD( <bAction>|<aAction>, [nMillisecs], [lActive] ) --> nHandle
* <bAction> is a codeblock that will be executed in background.
* There are no arguments passed to this codeblock during evaluation.
* <aAction> is an array that contains parameters as defined in HB_EXECFROMARRAY()
* <nMillisecs> is the number of milliseconds after which the task will be executed
* default 0 which means that the task will be executed at every time
* <lActive> defines if the task is active or not. Default .T.
* <nHandle> The handle (an integer value) that identifies the task. This
* handle can be used for deleting the task or to change other parameters.
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD() adds a passed codeblock or an array, as defined in
* HB_EXECFROMARRAY() function, to the list of background tasks that will
* be evaluated in concurrency with the main program.
* There is no limit for the number of tasks.
* Tasks must be activated using the command
* or the Set() function
* Tasks will run sequentially until a SET BACKGROUND TASKS OFF or an
* idle state will be encountered.
* To avoid an idle state stop you have to add a idle state task defining
* nTask1 := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTime()}, 1000 )
* // this calls the DisplayTime() function every 1 second
* nTask2 := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( { @DisplayTicker(), cText }, 500 )
* // this display a ticker every 500 milliseconds passing cText as parameter
* // This active background tasks
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Removes the background task from the list of tasks.
* HB_BACKGROUNDDEL( <nHandle> ) --> xAction
* <nHandle> is the identifier of the task returned by the
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* <xAction> NIL if invalid handle is passed or a codeblock or an array
* that was passed to HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* HB_BACKGROUNDDEL() removes the task associated with passed identifier
* from the list of background tasks. The identifer should be the
* value returned by the previous call of HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* If specified task is defined then the codeblock or an array is returned.
* Otherwise the NIL value is returned.
* nTask := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTime()}, 1000 )
* ...
* abAction := HB_BACKGROUNDDEL( nTask )
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Reset internal coounter of background tasks.
* None.
* Nothing.
* HB_BACKGROUNDRESET() reset the internal counter of task in execution to 1.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Forces run of background tasks but only if SET BACKGROUND is ON.
* HB_BACKGROUNDRUN( [<nHandle>] )
* <nHandle> is the identifier of the task returned by the
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* Nothing.
* HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() run all or a single task defined.
* This function can be used to run all tasks forcely or in the idle state.
* If a valid task handle, as returned from HB_BACKGROUNDADD(), is passed as
* parameter HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() run only this task otherwise it will run
* NOTE: HB_BACKGROUNDRUN( nTask ) will run that task always, also if the time
* is not elapsed and even if the task is not active.
* // First we define a ticker with a time of half a second
* nTask := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTicker()}, 500 )
* // We add the background tasks to the idle state
* ...
* Inkey(0) // At this time background tasks will be run as an idle task
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Forces run of all background tasks also if SET BACKGROUND TASKS is OFF.
* None
* Nothing.
* This function should be usefull only for testing purpose otherwise
* it is better follow the sequence of SET BACKGROUND TASK ON / OFF.
* // First we define a ticker with a time of half a second
* nTask := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTicker()}, 500 )
* // We need that background tasks have to run always
* ...
* Inkey(0) // At this time background tasks will be run as an idle task
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks
* Set milliseconds after the task will be performed.
* HB_BACKGROUNDTIME( <nHandle>, <nMillisecs> ) --> nOldMillisecs
* <nHandle> is the identifier of the task returned by the
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function.
* <nMillisecs> time, in milliseconds, after that the task will be executed.
* If the value is 0 (default) the task will be executed at
* every cycle
* <nOldMillisecs> the last value defined
* HB_BACKGROUNDTIME() change the number of milliseconds after which the task
* will be executed.
* If the task handle, as returned from HB_BACKGROUNDADD(), is valid the old
* value is returned. Otherwise NIL is returned.
* // First we define a ticker with a time of half a second
* nTask := HB_BACKGROUNDADD( {|| DisplayTicker()}, 500 )
* ...
* // Now we change the time to 1 second
* nOldTime := HB_BACKGROUNDTIME( nTask, 1000 )
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundActive()
* Background tasks API
* Set if a task is active or not.
* BOOL hb_backgroundActive( ULONG ulID, BOOL bActive );
* ulID is the identifier of the task returned by the
* hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* bActive TRUE (default) if the task is active and will be executed.
* the last value defined
* API C level function.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDACTIVE() for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundAdd()
* Background tasks API
* Adds the background task.
* ULONG hb_backgroundAddFunc( PHB_ITEM pBlock, int nMillisec, BOOL bActive );
* pBlock is a codeblock or an array that contains the task.
* nMillisecs is the number of milliseconds after which the task will be executed.
* If NULL is passed the default is set to 0 which means that the task
* will be executed at every time
* bActive defines if the task is active or not.
* If NULL is passed the default is TRUE
* The handle that identifies the task. This handle can be used for deleting the
* task or to change other parameters.
* API C level function.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDADD() function for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDADD(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundDel()
* Background tasks API
* Removes the background task from the list of tasks.
* PHB_ITEM hb_backgroundDelFunc( ULONG ulID );
* ulID is the identifier of the task returned by the
* hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* NULL if invalid handle is passed or an item as a codeblock or an array
* that was passed to hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* API C level function.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDDEL() function for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDDEL(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundFind()
* Background tasks API
* Find a task from internal list of tasks.
* PHB_BACKGROUNDTASK hb_backgroundFind( ULONG ulID );
* ulID is the identifier of the task returned by the
* hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* Pointer to the HB_BACKGROUNDTASK structure.
* API C level function.
* hb_backgroundFind() return a pointer to the HB_BACKGROUNDTASK structure searched
* with the ulID handle.
* If the handle is not valid hb_backgroundFind() return NULL.
* pBkgTask = hb_backgroundFind( ulID );
* if ( pBkgTask )
* {
* PHB_ITEM pItem;
* pItem = pBkgTask->pTask;
* if ( HB_IS_BLOCK( pItem ) )
* {
* hb_vmEvalBlock( pItem );
* }
* else
* {
* hb_execFromArray( pItem );
* }
* }
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundRun()
* Background tasks API
* Forces run of background tasks but only if SET BACKGROUND TASKS is ON.
* void hb_backgroundRun( void );
* None.
* Nothing.
* API C level function.
* hb_backgroundRun() acts as HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() with no parameters.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDRUN(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundRunForced()
* Background tasks API
* Forces run of background tasks also if SET BACKGROUND TASKS is OFF.
* void hb_backgroundRun( void );
* None.
* Nothing.
* API C level function.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundRunSingle()
* Background tasks API
* Forces run of a single background task.
* void hb_backgroundRunSingle( ULONG ulID );
* ulID is the identifier of the task returned by the
* hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* Nothing.
* API C level function.
* hb_backgroundRun() acts as HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() with nHandle parameter.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDRUN() for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDRUN(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundReset()
* Background tasks API
* Reset internal coounter of background tasks.
* void hb_backgroundReset( void );
* None.
* Nothing.
* API C level function.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDRESET() function for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDRESET(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundShutDown()
* Background tasks API
* Closes all background tasks.
* void hb_backgroundShutDown( void );
* None.
* Nothing.
* API C level function.
* hb_backgroundShutDown() closes all background tasks.
* Normally it's used as internal function to clear all tasks before quitting.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundTime()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* hb_backgroundTime()
* Background tasks API
* Set milliseconds after the task will be performed.
* int hb_backgroundTime( ULONG ulID, int nMillisec );
* ulID is the identifier of the task returned by the
* hb_backgroundAdd() function.
* nMillisecs time, in milliseconds, after that the task will be executed.
* If the value is 0 (default) the task will be executed at
* every cycle
* the last value defined
* API C level function.
* See HB_BACKGROUNDTIME() for details.
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/rtl/bkgtsks.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDTIME(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown()
* $END$
/* $DOC$
* Background tasks API
* Set the number of xHarbour pCodes to run before check for tasks to execute.
* nPcodes Is the number of xHarbour pCodes to run before check for tasks to
* execute
* With this SET you can change the number of pCodes executed
* before checking Tasks. Default is 1000. When you raise this number,
* system saves time checking Tasks, but lowering it you can
* have a more realist multitasking
* R
* xHarbour extension
* All
* source/vm/hvm.c
* HB_BACKGROUNDTIME(),hb_backgroundActive(),hb_backgroundAdd(),hb_backgroundDel(),hb_backgroundFind(),hb_backgroundReset(),hb_backgroundRun(),hb_backgroundRunSingle(),hb_backgroundShutDown()
* $END$