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Re: TxtToRTF()
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:16 pm
by Maurizio
there is a function TxtToRTF() ?
Re: TxtToRTF()
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:11 pm
by TimStone
Yes, we can read / manipulate / save RTF data. HOWEVER, after many months, we are still. not able to PRINT RTF as part of a more complex document.
Using the wonderful PRINT class in FWH, we can do so much. However, consider the invoice:
For address and invoice information, we can print text very easily.
We can add text colors and boxes
We can do columns, and vary row content.
However, we cannot give this option to the enduser.
My clients want to print Disclaimer text at the end of invoices, and have the ability to change it themselves.
They want to change font sizes, use bold and underline, and perhaps even colors.
We can create this on screen
We can save it in a memo field.
In the printer class, we need the ability to use:
oPrn:SayRTF( nRow, nCsp * 2, oRTF, nRow +lRTF, nCsp + 60 )
Where nRow is the starting row, nCsp is the starting column, lRTF is the length of the RTF in rows, and oRTF is the actual RTF text derived from the memo field.
Months ago we were supposed to be very close.
Re: TxtToRTF()
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:44 pm
by Otto
Hello Maurizio,
I print RTF blocks with EasyReport.
But I think the source I posted can be used also for printer object.
Best regards,
PS: Sei a Riva per la fiera dell'ospitalità?
Potrei andarci.
Re: TxtToRTF()
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:43 am
by nageswaragunupudi
We will have it in the next version.