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Re: A sample how to create a IMAGE-ani. ( indexbuilder ) UPD.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:01 pm
by ukoenig

What's new :

1.) 9 DBF's are included with sizes from 50 - 100000 records
2.) new animation-speed-calculation added
----the speed is always the same no matter of DBF-size
----calculated in relation to DELAY and defined STEPS ( no fixed speed-value )
3.) selections can be saved to a INI
4.) a record-counter is added to the meter
5.) added a little help-file

On my computer with DELAY 20 and STEPS 40 I got a nice result
using GetCPUSpeed() , You can use a factor to reduce or increase the values

The test ist included just enable the messages

on my computer

Speed : 2799
Records : 100000
Delay : 20
Steps : 50
Starttime : 22:03:38
Endtime : 22:03:40
adjusted to a speed-result of 2 seconds !!!

to calculate a factor I need some comparisons to get a equal speed on different computers

( size 11 MB because of 9 included DBF's )


Uwe :D

Re: A sample how to create a IMAGE-ani. ( indexbuilder ) UPD.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:51 am
by ukoenig
added a transparent counter shown centered inside of a animation.
can be records or percent


add in function :

FUNCTION SET_ANI( oImage, nRecPos, oTextFont2 )
oImage:bPainted := {|| oImage:Say( oImage:nHeight / 2.0 - oTextFont2:nHeight / 2, ;
( oImage:nWidth/2 ) -40, STR( nCounter ), , ,oTextFont2 , .t., .t., 0 ) }


and in function :

FUNCTION MAKE_INDEX( oMeter1, nRecPos, oImage, oTextFont2 )
SET_ANI( oImage, @nRecPos, oTextFont2 ), ; // animation
oMeter1:bPainted := {|| oMeter1:Say( oMeter1:nHeight / 4.0, ;
( oMeter1:nWidth/2 ) -40, STR( nRecords ), , ,oTextFont2 , .t., .t., 0 ) }
oImage:bPainted := {|| oImage:Say( oImage:nHeight / 2.0 - oTextFont2:nHeight / 2, ;
( oImage:nWidth/2 ) -40, STR( nRecords ), , ,oTextFont2 , .t., .t., 0 ) }

Uwe :D

Re: A sample how to create a IMAGE-ani. ( indexbuilder ) UPD.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:53 am
by karinha
Uwe :D

New link for download, please.

Many thanks.

Regards, saludos.

Re: A sample how to create a IMAGE-ani. ( indexbuilder ) UPD.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:50 am
by ukoenig
New link for download, please.

All links are updated :!:

Uwe :D

Re: A sample how to create a IMAGE-ani. ( indexbuilder ) UPD.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:29 am
by karinha

Super many thanks.

Regards, saludos.