Dear Silvio I consider that your proposal is also interesting and I assure you that I am going to value it very seriously, for which I hope I can count on your invaluable help and experience in its use (the days only have 24 hours in Spain, I don't have time to see everything).
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
I have been modifying EasyReport to be able to be used as a control and to be able to insert it in any container, besides having reviewed some of its functionalities. I hope to have a trial version published in a few days. Some patience. Thank you.
He estado modificando EasyReport para poder ser utilizado como un control y poder insertarlo en cualquier contenedor, además de haber revisado algunas de sus funcionalidades. Espero poder tener ya una versión de pruebas publicada en unos días. Un poco de paciencia. Gracias.
, do you have you modify ER for the graphics class of designer? because it's the modification we wait .....
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com