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Re: oDbf:Delete() error

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:01 am
by James Bott

This seems like a prefect time to make the delete-user-rights a method of the user database class. Actually, you
need to delete the users rights whenever a user is deleted so it should also part of the delete() method of the user class.
There would be no occasion where you would want to delete the user and leave their rights.

However, if there is an occasion where you might want to delete all of a user's rights, without deleting the user, then perhaps deleting all the users rights should be a separate method. This way it will be called automatically when the user is deleted, but it could also be called separately to delete all a user's rights without deleting the user.

And I don't really think you need to update the visual grids as you are deleting, since this would only take a second or two. Then you could refresh the grids.

Code: Select all | Expand

// Delete the user in this database and their permissions
// in the permissions database. This way you cannot delete a user
// without deleting their permissions also.
Method Delete( cUser ) Class TUtenti
   Local lSuccess := .F.
   Local nOrder
   Local oPermessi
   if cUser != nil
      nOrder:= indexOrd()
      ::setOrder(1)     // Assuming 1 is the primary key
      if ::seek(cUser)
   else  // delete the current record

   // Can't delete the user without deleting their rights
   if lSuccess   // if user was deleted
      ::DeleteRights(cUser)  // then delete their rights also
Return lSuccess

// Delete all the user's rights also.
// Parameter cUser is optional, otherwise it uses the current user record
Method DeleteRights(cUser) CLASS TUtenti
   Local cUser
   if cUser != nil
      cUser:= ::nombre // is that the fieldname?
   oPermessi:SetOrder(1)  // primary key index
   Do while ::seek(cUser)
Return lSuccess
// EOF

Note that this code has not been tested so there may be errors.

Think OOP.
