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Re: Error on search a record on dbf with tdatabase

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:39 pm
by James Bott

What Nages wrote is a version of the IsFree() function mentioned in the psuedo code in my previous message. You still need the rest of the logic in my sample pseudo code.


Re: Error on search a record on dbf with tdatabase

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:59 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
James Bott wrote:Silvio,

What Nages wrote is a version of the IsFree() function mentioned in the psuedo code in my previous message. You still need the rest of the logic in my sample pseudo code.


No James,
I have all that I wanted

Code: Select all | Expand

Function Search_Element(cCamera,dCheck_in,dCheck_out,cTypeRoom,oReserva)

local  cSearch :=  oReserva:ApplyParams( "ROOMS_ID == ? .AND. ALLTRIM(TYPE) == ? .AND. RECNO() != ? .AND. (CHECK_IN > ? .OR. CHECK_OUT < ? )", ;
            { cCamera, ALLTRIM( cTypeRoom ),  oReserva:RecNo(), dCheck_out, dCheck_in } )

if  oReserva:LookUp( cSearch, nil, { || .T. } ) == .T.
   ? "room is available"
   ? "room is not availble"
 return  lFree

when return lFree:=.f. I enable a button the user press the button and the procedure show the nearly umbrellas as a small section of the beach

I have calculated two places near the occupied umbrella but I could expand this section

the umbrella n. 11 is that occupated ( orange)

the green boxes are elements free

Re: Error on search a record on dbf with tdatabase

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:02 pm
by James Bott


Did you understand my explanation about how to handle shortening a reservation?

Re: Error on search a record on dbf with tdatabase

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:28 am
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:No need to open oSearchDB again. We can check with the main database object itself like this.

Code: Select all | Expand

cSearch := oReserva:ApplyParams( "ROOM_ID == ? .AND. ALLTRIM(TYPE) == ? .AND. RECNO() != ? .AND. (CHECK_IN > ? .OR. CHECK_OUT < ? )", ;
            { cCamera, ALLTRIM( cTypeRoom ), oReserva:RecNo(), dCheckOut, dCheckIn } )

if oReserva:LookUp( cSearch, nil, { || .T. } ) == .T.
   ? "room is available"
   ? "room is not availble"

the first time it works fine, in the following when I change the parameters the ApplyParams function does not perform the search correctly and returns me wrong values