this is very curious...
Here my logfile
Code: Select all | Expand
call xHarbour t Harbour t
main() 946916265 947323093
FWSetLanguage( _GERMAN ) 946916265 0 947323093 0
before OpenDbfs( pCount() > 0 ) 946916265 0 947323093 0
after OpenDbfs( pCount() > 0 ) 946916281 16 947323109 16
Start() 946916281 0 947323109 0
DEFINE FONT oFont 946916281 0 947323109 0
DEFINE DIALOG oDlgStart 946916281 0 947323109 0
REDEFINE XBROWSE oBrwKd 946916296 15 947323109 0
REDEFINE XBROWSE oBrwTm 946916296 0 947323109 0
REDEFINE XBROWSE oBrwRg 946916296 0 947323109 0
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlgStart 946916343 47 947323156 47
PROCEDURE BuildBar 946916343 0 947323156 0
Pure Harbour is even faster than xHarbour ( see "REDEFINE XBROWSE oBrwKd" ).
But unfortunatelly in my log file I can't catch the time from starting the app until the exe file reaches the function Main().
As I said, this period lasts about 7 seconds.