Re: FWH: All functions, classes, methods with source code
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:13 pm
In Mr. Rao's sample there are folowing lines on top
#include ""
#define EM_LINESCROLL 182
and further in the program the get to show the programlines
nWd := Int( ScreenWidth() * 0.9 )
@ 50,420 GET oGet VAR cText MEMO SIZE nWd - 440, 530 PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFixed
static function GetSetTopRow( oGet, nRow )
local nTopRow := oGet:SendMsg( EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE )
oGet:SendMsg( EM_LINESCROLL, 0, nRow - nTopRow )
return nil
I don't understand when I change the size of the get the function call to getsetTopRow will not move the cursor to the top location.
I Googled and saw that the 2 defines on top of program have something to do with it.
Mr. Rao, How do you determen the values so the cursor goes to top position in a different size Get ?
#include ""
#define EM_LINESCROLL 182
and further in the program the get to show the programlines
nWd := Int( ScreenWidth() * 0.9 )
@ 50,420 GET oGet VAR cText MEMO SIZE nWd - 440, 530 PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFixed
static function GetSetTopRow( oGet, nRow )
local nTopRow := oGet:SendMsg( EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE )
oGet:SendMsg( EM_LINESCROLL, 0, nRow - nTopRow )
return nil
I don't understand when I change the size of the get the function call to getsetTopRow will not move the cursor to the top location.
I Googled and saw that the 2 defines on top of program have something to do with it.
Mr. Rao, How do you determen the values so the cursor goes to top position in a different size Get ?